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Work begins to bring connected Autonomous Vehicles to campus

As part of the Midlands Future Mobility scheme to develop Connected Autonomous Vehicles, works start on campus week commencing 24 August; this is to install the necessary infrastructure to enable CAV Pods to be used on campus, therefore will cause some disruption.

Initially this will involve restricted access on the Tocil path with a narrowing of the available area to accommodate the infrastructure works from Gibbet Hill towards the Student Union building. This will also need a week long closure to enable a re-surfacing of the area’s surface towards the end of September. This route shall be returned to operation as a shared space.

On the main campus disruptive works are required to the University House plaza, Academic Loop Road beside the IMC building and Academic Square close to the Red Rocket.

The works are being planned to minimise disruption and enable a swift return to normal campus usage.

The date for the CAV pods to start running on campus is still to be confirmed.

The project team apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during the works.

CAV Pods:

The vehicles can now help each other to drive and navigate through pedestrian areas around people.

The concept of Swarming pods was well received by the public, with the ultimate idea of using an app to hail a pod, or a platoon of pods if travelling in a group, seen as the next evolution of personal and public transport.

The pods are designed for pedestrian areas and shared spaces, so public transport can be used on highways and the pods can be used as a “first and last mile service”.

Hear more from WMG researchers on how they work.

Find out more about Autonomous Pods
Find out about the Autonoumous Vehicle trial route