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Pippa Glover, Deputy Finance Director (Assurance)

Pippa GloverPippa is responsible for financial compliance and assurance at the University, and is leading the establishment of the Financial Assurance function within Finance Office. Pippa is also Company Secretary to the University’s subsidiary companies. She is the main Finance Office contact for the University’s UTC's, the WMG Academies, and serves on the Academy Trust’s Finance and General Purposes Committee. Pippa has oversight responsibility for WMS and is currently covering the CFO vacancy.

Pippa trained as a chartered accountant with Deloitte and worked briefly in practice before joining the University in 2002 as Finance Officer in the then School of Health & Social Studies. Pippa went on to work in a breadth of different finance and administrative roles in academic departments as well as Estates Office and CCSG. Alongside her financial expertise, Pippa specialises in institutional governance and assurance, having held the role of Director of Governance and Assurance Services and subsequently Secretary to Council.

Phone: 024 765 22531
PA - Linda Donegan
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