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Financial Control and Compliance Group

What is the Financial Control and Compliance Group?

The Financial Control and Compliance Group (FCCG) was established in January 2018 to undertake detailed scrutiny of University level quarterly financial reports, prior to consideration of the University's financial position by the Budget Steering Group (BSG). The FCCG provides assurance to the Executive Team on financial control and compliance.


The membership of the FCCG provides a breadth of perspective from qualified accountants, who have the expertise to scrutinise and challenge detailed financial data:

Terms of Reference

(i) To scrutinise, on a quarterly basis, the University’s financial performance and financial health, and to advise the University Executive Board (Finance focus) on areas of material risk or concern.

(ii) To identify trends in performance and advise corrective action in response to actual or forecast variances, escalating to the University Executive Board (Finance focus) as necessary.

(iii) To monitor financial control indicators, and to manage compliance risk.

(iv) To approve the Financial Assurance annual rolling workplan and receive progress reports.

(v) To recommend to Audit and Risk Committee the annual report on Compliance with Financial Procedures.

(vi) To recommend to FGPC amendments to the Financial Regulations and Procedures.

(vii) To recommend operational targets for finance KPIs (e.g. Debtor days) and monitor performance against these targets.

(viii) To identify improvements to systems, processes and reporting, and share best practice.

(ix) To develop clear and simple reports for the University Executive Board (Finance focus) on key financial areas.

(x) To consider financial reporting system developments with the objective to minimise the time spent preparing committee reports and management accounts.

More information:

For more information regarding the Financial Control and Compliance Group, please contact the Assistant Secretary, Rachel Grimes (Administrative Officer), Finance Office: r dot grimes dot 2 at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Dates of future meetings:


29 May 09:30 - 12:00
3 September 09:30 - 12:00
26 November 14:00 - 16:30


25 February 09:30 - 12:00
28 May 09:30 - 12:00

Agendas and Papers - Members only

The agenda and papers for FCCG meetings are available for members to access here.