Access to e-resources
- To access Warwick Library e-resources follow the links from the Library website, Library Search or the Library catalogue
- These links will usually take you straight to the Warwick Web Sign-on or the Library Login screens where you will need to enter your Warwick username and password
- You should then be taken straight to the e-resource you selected with access to Warwick subscribed content
- Access will usually be the same whether you are on or off-campus
Additional information
If you have accessed a subscribed e-resource without using the Library links you can often still log in. Many e-resources have an educational login option. However, you might need to look carefully for these as they are often not the most prominent login on the site.
- Shibboleth login: This normally requires you to identify yourself by selecting your country and then your institution from lists. Once you have selected Warwick you will be taken to the Warwick Web Sign-on and then (once you log in) back to the e-resource as a Warwick customer if we subscribe. If you have already logged in during that session you won’t see the Web Sign-on screen.
Note: Shibboleth is called different things by different suppliers. Other names you might see for it are Institutional login, Login via your home institution / organisation / UK Federation, Academic sign-in
Note: Warwick does not subscribe to all available online resources. If you are unable to log in using this option please check Library Search or the Library catalogue to see whether it is an e-resource we have access to. If it is a journal please check what years we subscribe to.
One other way you can access e-resources is by using the Library proxy server. Many of our links to e-resources will take you via this route without you needing to do anything. However, you can also reload an e-resource web page via the proxy server if you haven’t followed our links. See Try Warwick Library Proxy for information about how to do this.
Service status
BREPOLiS eResource products not holding authentication
De Gruyter
Subscribed e-resources should only be accessed by 'authorised customers' for 'educational purposes.' For more information please see conditions of use.