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Did you miss The Economist event?
In early February, the library hosted a promotional event for The Economist online newspaper. All students and staff at the University of Warwick can benefit from our institutional subscription to The Economist.
The Economist offers more than business, economic and financial news – it has great coverage of world affairs including geopolitics, AI and climate change. Click here to register using your or email address. Then download The Economist apps for Android, Apple and Microsoft Teams.
The Economist’s app for Microsoft Teams is newly available at the University of Warwick. From Microsoft Teams, click on Apps, search for Economist, and Add the app. Catch-up with an online demonstration of The Economist’s key content and features including apps, podcasts, newsletters and The Big Mac Index.
Library Training Room Open
The Floor 2 Training Room is open again for bookings, following its closure caused by a radiator leak earlier this month.
Please note that the corner of the room will be cordoned off until the remedial works have been completed – this reduces the capacity of the room, with one of the banks of workstations not accessible.
There is also a dehumidifier device working within the room, the noise of which may be an issue for some.
Should you plan to book the space or if you have an upcoming booking then please check that the room meets your requirements in its current state.
Library Training Room Closure
Please note the Training Room on Floor 2 will be closed for the foreseeable. All those with pre-existing bookings will be contacted by Library staff and no future bookings will be taken until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Term 2 in the Library: Know Your Noise Zone
Get in your zone!
As we move into term 2, the Library gets busier as you get further into your studies. To make sure the environment is supportive of study, it’s important that noise levels are appropriate, and that everyone is respectful of one another in the space. Did you know the Library has 3 types of noise zone to cater for your needs?
Floors 1 and 2 offer collaboration spaces where you can do group and individual study. Quiet discussion is permitted, and you can take mobile calls here if you wish.
There are 2 silent study rooms on the floor 2 extension for those of you who prefer to work in silence.
The rest of the building is a quiet zone, including stairwells – this means you need to keep talking to a minimum and keep mobiles on silent so as not to disturb your peers.
Report noise disturbances
Did you know you can report noise disturbances to Library staff from your mobile phone! Save this number and simply text NOISE and the exact location of the disturbance. A member of Library staff will be along to assist: 07920 531 153
Breathing Space
We know things get busy in term 2, and sometimes relaxation time is needed. Have you visited the breathing space on floor 1? This area is specifically for those wanting a quiet moment away from work, with relaxation music, comfy chairs, and a leisure reading collection.
We really hope term 2 is a productive one for you, and thank you for respecting your Library and peers at this busy time.
Acoustic Testing in the Junction
Acoustic testing will be carried out in the Junction from 8:00pm to 10:00pm on 9th January. The testing will involve some level of noise, and we apologise for any disruption caused.