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More Books - Your books!

A student in the Library with a pile of books - promotional postcard

We piloted this campaign from 23 January 2018 to 9 February 2018, calling out to all students to tell us which books were needed to enhance their studies.

Thank you to those of you who sent in requests. We received almost 200 requests in total, and spent nearly £10,000 during the three week campaign! We had lots of excellent suggestions which have been ordered and are beginning to arrive in stock. We hope these additional books will be useful for all of our students in the coming months.

What next?

We have invited everyone who took part in the campaign to a coffee and chat session, to gather feedback about how it all worked for them. We aim to continue shaping our collections with student involvement in the future, and may run the campaign again – watch this space!

Even though the campaign has finished, we would still like to hear from you about the books you need. Send us your suggestions via our Book Suggestion Form and we will order those which support study and research here at Warwick.

Fri 09 Feb 2018, 16:16