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Reading Lists

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the sections linked in the green boxes to the right are currently being updated and may temporarily contain out-of-date information or broken links. In the meantime, please refer to this Reading List Guide for the most up-to-date information on guidance, procedures and access to support. You can also reach out to the Library reading list team directly by emailing

Information and guidance for academic staff

To facilitate resilience of our teaching and support for students, all reading lists should be submitted online using the Talis Aspire system, and all core and recommended readings should be available electronically – either as e-books, e-journal articles or copyright-cleared chapter/article scans (where possible).

The Talis Aspire Reading List system enables you to create dynamic reading lists for your students, providing them with direct links to all their required reading materials. Using Talis Aspire for your reading lists will improve the visibility of lists for students and provide a consistent approach across modules. Your lists will also be automatically checked by the Library allowing them to provide access to the materials and resources your students need.


2024/25: Action Required

The recommended deadline for submitting Term 3 and Summer reading lists will be Tuesday April 1st, 2025. 

  • The My Lists page should display all reading lists which have been assigned to you in Talis Aspire.
  • Please check any unpublished lists you may still have for 2024/25 and publish them by the recommended deadline or as soon as possible.
  • Publishing ensures your list is visible to students and will alert the Library of your changes.
    • You can make further edits at any time, even after the list is initially published.

    • Every time you publish new changes to the list, these changes become visible to students and the Library is alerted so that they can take any required action.

Please note: The Library will still check lists received after the recommended deadlines, but due to the workload involved they may not be able to ensure that they have purchased and received the relevant items before the beginning of next term.

Please contact if any of the following apply:

  • your module reading list is not showing in your My Lists page
  • a list assigned to you is not running in the current cycle, or it is no longer needed
  • you are no longer the lead for a module reading list

How the Library can help you

  • Assist with the setup of your Reading Lists on Aspire
  • Check for availability of e-books and most recent editions of key readings
  • Digitise book chapters or journal articles as required
  • Provide full training and ongoing support
  • Support with list inputting in certain circumstances


Contact us at to arrange 1:1 or group/department training - either in person in the Library, in your office/department, or via Microsoft Teams call. Alternately, your Research & Academic Support Librarian can also offer further help and advice.

Benefits of using Talis Aspire

A large proportion of peer universities have already adopted Talis for all reading lists and just over 50% of module leaders here at Warwick already use it. We also know that many students prefer using Talis Aspire to support their learning experience.

Benefits for academic staff

  • One port of call to notify the Library and request reading list items, including scanned material
  • Simple to create, manage and edit your list
  • Flexibility in your list structure
  • Allows you to link to any type of resource
  • Share your list easily with students
  • Reading list dashboard allows you to track engagement with your list
  • Integrates with Moodle or your module website

Benefits for your students

  • Provides them with direct links to reading material
  • Clear guidance on reading expectations and importance
  • Ability to add their own notes and prioritise reading
  • Consistent experience across modules
  • Frees time for independent searching
  • Readings are available in the right quantities

Quick Set Up Guide


Reading Lists Timeline and Lifecycle


Scans for Reading Lists


How we communicate with you


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