Space Hog

Space Hog campaign
We acknowledge that Library study space is limited and in high demand. Because we know how valuable it is to you, we are raising awareness of our rules about leaving desks unattended, and asking our Library community to be considerate to others and not hog study spaces.
This applies to all Library spaces, however, we are operating the Space Hog flyer system to target our two busiest areas, the Main Library building (floors 3, 4 and 5) and Learning Grid Rootes.
Space Hog cosmology - how it works
As well as our Library staff looking out for unattended spaces, we need you to tell us if a desk is being hogged by using our text service.
The Space Hog flyer system will then be rolled out as follows:
A Don’t be a Space Hog notice can be issued on spaces left unattended for longer than 30 minutes.
This indicates that the space has been made available for others to use. Items left unattended can be moved to one side but should not be removed altogether by anyone other than their owner
If you return to a space that has been re-occupied, collect your belongings and find somewhere else to work. If you have any questions raise them with our Library staff, not with the person now using the space.
If you are unsure if you can reoccupy a space, look for Houston the Hog – this means a member of Library staff has made it available for you to use.