Leading Managers or Key influencing Roles

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Warwick Leadership Development Programme: Leading with your unique set of strengths brings diversity to leadership and allows you to be truly authentic. By bringing your best self to work you’ll be able to navigate the highs and lows of leadership and deliver the University strategy. This is our core leadership programme covering the role of the leader, leadership approaches, holding people and teams to account, recognising achievement, continuous improvement and change leadership. Includes Strengthscope Leader 360° profiling.
Warwick Management Development Programme: If you’re new to people management, you’ll also need our core management programme.
Research Leadership Group: The aim of this programme is to provide a space to support researchers in developing leadership and influencing capabilities, providing a focus to identify and address issues and challenges in managing research, and influencing others.

New to Management or New to Warwick?...
Explore our Manager Hub for all key Warwick people policy and processes.

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Explore from a range of our Short Courses:
Building Happy Teams, Building Resilient Teams, Dealing Effectively with Conflict, Developing Others, Empowering Your Team To Perform, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Having Productive Conversations, Leading With Emotional Awareness, Managing Change, Managing Stress Within Your Teams, Mental Health Awareness for Managers
Mentoring: Connectr (Internal mentoring), Whitehall & Industry Group (External mentoring).
Did you know we offer Staff Apprenticeships?
Level 7 Senior Leaders apprenticeship programme is a professional pathway to CMI Chartered Manager Status.