This is a training package developed for non-medical helpers and all staff. It is designed to comply with and exceed the obligations set out in the quality assurance framework for organisations registered as suppliers of non-medical helper support. This framework and the associated standards have been established by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and Student Finance England. Warwick University is a registered supplier.
Once you have completed this initial training we would encourage you to complete further training sessions that we will offer during the academic year as part of your career development.
You may be a student note taker, a mentor or you may be a member of staff in the Library, an academin Department or other Service at the University. Whatever your specific role is, these training modules are designed to ensure that you are working safely, appropriately and within our guidelines as a service provider. Part of your ability to provide a quality service is driven by your understanding of disabilities in the context of higher education so we ask you to complete the compulsory elements of this package.
In addition to the online training you will receive direct training from the University's Disability/Mental Health Team. This training will re-enforce some of the material covered on the online-training and cover additional elements relating to the the role.
Please ensure that you complete each quiz. These are designed to check your understanding and create a training record. It is essential that you are logged into the University network (top right hand corner of any webpage) in order for us to be able to record that you have taken the quiz. If you do not have a University id please contact disability at warwick dot ac dot uk
Similarly, please ensure that you complete the final feedback form as this is needed before you can start working as any kind of non-medical helper (NMH).
The compulsory online training for NMH staff is divided into 3 sections.
The first two sections must be completed before you can attend the face-to-face training (where applicable). The third element differs according to your role but must be completed after any appropriate classroom training and before starting to support students.
Section 1: Disability Awareness
Section 2: Expectations
(including H&S, professional boundaries and requirements)
Thank you for completing sections 1 and 2 of the training.
If you are a support worker then the third section (Skills Review for Support Workers) must be completed after you have had face-to-face training and before you can begin working with students.
If you are an academic mentor then the fourth section (Academic Mentors) must be completed after you have had face-to-face training and before you can begin working with students.
If you are a mental health mentor then the fourth section (Mental Health mentoring) must be completed after you have had face-to-face training and before you can begin working with students.
You will not need to complete section 3 or 4 or 5 until you have attended the face-to-face training run by Student Support.
Section 3: Skills Review for Support Workers
(for completion after you have attended face-to-face training)
Finally, it is important that you complete the feedback form - it shows that you are ready to be allocated work and gives you the opportunity to let us know what you feel about the training that you have received so that we can continue to develop it.
If you require any assistance completing this training or if you have any questions please contact or telephone us on 024 765 73734