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Beyond Trauma

  • This group is suitable for students at any stage of their education who are accessing CAPS regarding previous traumatic experiences which impact their current wellbeing, including e.g. traumatic event(s), adverse childhood experience(s) (ACE), sexual assault (where no further legal or other action is planned), domestic abuse, family or interpersonal relationships. You may be presenting with responses to trauma i.e. flashbacks, avoidance, emotional numbing, negative feelings and/or negative self-perception.
  • The group will
    • reflect on the impact of trauma on your self and world view.
    • Contextualise and normalise the impact of trauma.
    • Co-create a containing and safe space to talk and relate with others about living with trauma,
    • Explore and navigate your current lived experience by encouraging curiosity, compassion and opportunity for growth
    • Explore topics such as stimulus and response, sensory soothing, grounding, mindfulness, navigation of interpersonal relationships and identity.
  • NB Naming and discussing the trauma is not part of the group approach – we will explore the impact of trauma in the here and now/future
  • The group is facilitated by University Psychological Therapists from the Counselling and Psychotherapy Service (CAPS) and based within Wellbeing and Student Support in Senate house on central campus.
  • This is a weekly ‘in person’ group requiring punctual attendance at all 8 sessions. Each session will run for 90 minutes. Day and time to be confirmed.
  • Students interested in this group should discuss this with their current Psychological Therapist or Unvieristy SDAA (Sexual and Domestic Abuse Advisor). They may then be offered a one-to-one pre-group meeting session with the group facilitator(s) to ask any specific questions and to consider whether it is a suitable option at this time.

Feedback from previous group members:

"It is uniquely challenging and helpful."

"The facilitators create a comforting and welcoming environment which allows participants to trust each other and feel supported."

"This group helped me find connection with others who experienced similar impacts from trauma to me, as we helped one another understand and navigate these impacts."


"Having never done a group before and being terrified of joining one, I found this helpful, insightful and grew my understanding of myself and others."

"The change I have felt knowing there are others out there who understand and care is incredible."

100% of group participants in our recent 'Beyond Trauma' therapy group indicated that they found the group helped them 'create a safe space to talk and relate with others about living with trauma'

Feedback from 2023-24