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Managing Stress

Stress is when we have situations or events that place us under pressure. Some levels of stress can help to be more productive. Excessive stress is when our demands start to outweigh our resources. 

If your stress levels keep going up, you will reach a point where your performance drops. It takes longer to do things and it can be harder to understand things. At this point you may be struggling to get a balance and do well academically as well as feeling good. 

Something has got to give... 

This negative stress is what we are generally referring to when we talk about feeling stressed. Using stress management techniques can help you to maintain a healthy balance of stress 

Common symptoms of stress include:

stress stress

notice when things change

Notice when things change

As the amount of pressure you are under changes, look out for signs that you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed. It is likely to be impacting on your ability to work at your best.

Identify your triggers

Try writing a list of the situations and challenges that trigger your stress response. Understanding the source of your stress will help you to manage it more effectively.

Problem solve

Are there practical steps you can take to reduce the pressure you are under?

There are four basic steps in solving a problem:

Think about sources of support for situations or tasks you find challenging.

problem solve

Organise your time

Breaking tasks into smaller steps and using a planner to schedule them will help you to manage your time more effectively and to feel more in control.

Remember to vary your activities and to build in regular breaks.

Sometimes you may have to accept that you cannot change a stressful situation and focus your time and energy elsewhere.

Look after yourself

Taking care of your physical health can help you to improve your emotional resilience and to manage your stress



Getting enough sleep will significantly help you to cope with stress. Stress can disrupt your sleep so take time to relax before going to bed. Try to establish a sleep routine, going to bed and getting up at set times. Avoid working late into the evening – you will be more productive if you get a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed to study the next day.


Taking part in exercise and physical activity produces endorphins—‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain -and is a great stress-buster. It will also help you to sleep. Check out the free Sport for Wellbeing Programme Link opens in a new windowat the Sports Centre.

Eating well

When you're feeling stressed, it can be tempting to binge eat, or not to eat enough. But eating healthy, nutritious food will help to sustain you through times of stress

Take time to relax

Using relaxation techniques can help to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Practising mindfulness can help you to focus on the present, instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Find out more at Warwick University’s Mindful LibraryLink opens in a new window. You can also try this relaxation exercise:


Keep up with your interests and hobbies

Doing activities that you enjoy can give you time out from everyday pressures. You may find that you are better able to manage stressful situations or tasks when you have had a break from them.

Make time for your friends

Socialising and talking to people can help to reduce your stress and stop you from becoming isolated

Go outside

Spending time in nature, walking or gardening, can help to boost your mood and relieve feelings of stress.

If stress levels continue to rise, you can end up feeling over stressed and not getting much done at all.
If your stress levels get too high and your performance drops, the best way to get back to working at your best is to take the time to reduce your stress levels. Go and do something you enjoy, something that relaxes you.
It’s a valuable use of your time as it will help you get back to working your best.