About the PTES

About the survey
The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey or PTES is a national survey of postgraduate taught students and invites you to comment on your experience. The survey is open to both full-time and part-time students, from 15 April 2024. Thanks to your feedback, we have been able to make a number of enhancements and will keep you updated as we continue to do so.
You can find out more about the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) at Advance HE.Link opens in a new window
How do I access the survey?
Simply click on the link in the email you have been sent, to complete the online form via your personalised link. The questionnaire takes around 15 minutes to complete.
PTES Incentives
We will be offering incentives for PTES this year, to encourage a healthy (and representative) response rate across all departments. All eligible students will be entered into a prize draw, with the chance of winning:
- £100 cash prize (x2)
- £50 Amazon / Love2Shop voucher (x8)
- £20 Amazon / Love2Shop voucher (x60)
What does it cover?
PTES concentrates on your course and includes:
- Teaching and learning
- Engagement
- Assessment and feedback
- Organisation and management
- Skills development
It will also include a few extra questions about issues that are particularly relevant to us and to students at Warwick.
Is it anonymous?
Your survey response is confidential to the team processing the results and no reporting outside of this team will identify any individual. Any results communicated to teaching staff will be anonymised. Find out more about how your data is processed here.
The survey asks that any comments you make should not identify yourself or any specific members of staff.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at StudentSurveys@warwick.ac.uk.
Why are some questions not relevant to my course?
Some of the questions may not feel relevant to your course or your experience of university. For these, you can either skip to the next question or you can explain in the open comments box that this question is not relevant to your course.
What happens to the results?
PTES is your chance to tell us your thoughts about your course. The results are used both departmentally and institutionally, to identify areas for celebration and where more work needs to be done to improve the student experience. They allow us to benchmark ourselves against the Sector and other Russell Group Universities to see how we compare for student experience. This survey is not associated with Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and does not feed into league tables.
Following the release of the results, departments will participate in an action planning activity alongside their students, enabling them to contribute to the continuous enhancement of the PGT experience at Warwick using all forms of student feedback.
What do I need to do?
You will receive an email with a link to the questionnaire. Simply click on the link and complete the online form.