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CAS Guidance - you are making your visa application in the UK (Permission to Stay)

Section 2: About your CAS:

This CAS is only valid for study at The University of Warwick on the course specified.

It is not transferable and cannot be used to enter the United Kingdom in order to enrol at another institution, or on a programme other than the one listed.

The CAS you have just received will expire six months from the date it was assigned to the UKVI.

Student Opportunity: Immigration & Compliance reserve the right to withdraw your CAS if it comes to our attention that you do not have the required documentation to support a successful visa application.

We will withdraw this CAS if it is unused on/shortly after your course start date, or latest start date, if applicable, in line with the requirements of the UK Home Office

Section 3: About your Student Visa application:

Your CAS is assigned on the basis that you are making your Student Visa application in the UK.

You can make your visa application up to 3 months prior to the ‘course start date’ on the CAS as specified on your CAS.

The information contained in your CAS must be read in conjunction with the information on the Student Opportunity: Immigration & Compliance website:

You should use the exact information contained in the CAS when making your Student Visa application.


To make your UKVI application, please click on the following link, and use our ‘Application Guide’ & 'Document checklist' when completing your application:

Section 4: Deadline to apply / once you have submitted your Student Visa application online:

Deadline to make your new visa application:

As you are making your visa application in the UK, the deadline to make your Student visa application is ON OR BEFORE your current visa expiry date, or, by your course transfer deadline, whichever is first.

It is very important that you do not wait until the last minute to make the application as it takes some time to fill out the form and verify your identify, and there might be technical issues.

If you do not submit payment for the Immigration Health Surcharge AND the visa application fees by the midnight of your current visa expiry date, you will become an overstayer and you will lose right to study.

Your CAS will most likely be withdrawn and you will be advised to return to your home country as soon as possible to avoid a re-entry ban. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact us immediately for assistance.

After you submit your visa application, if your current visa expires when you are waiting for a decision:

Provided that you submitted your online Student Visa application and paid your Student Visa application fees before your current visa expiry date, you will be covered by ' Section 3C leave' - this is a provision made in the 1971 Immigration Act which extends the conditions attached to your previous leave until a decision is made on the new application.

As 'Section 3C leave' extends your existing visa conditions, including your expiry date, you can continue to study and live in the UK legally until you have received your new application's decision.

Travelling before you receive your new visa:

Once you have made your online application, you cannot travel outside of the UK and Common Travel Area.

This is because doing so will cause your visa application to be automatically withdrawn.

Therefore we recommend that you do not make any travel plans until you have received your new visa/BRP card.

Submitting your evidence of application to the University:

You now need to submit the University of Warwick Independent Application Notification Form.

This form allows you to provide the university with all the relevant details of your application, along with attaching your proofs of application:

  • Your UKVI Application PDF which contains 'date of application'


  • Your UKVI Document Checklist PDF which confirms 'date of application'


  • Application fees payment receipt which contains your personal details

Please lick on the following link and complete the required form:

If you fail to do so, we may need to withdraw our sponsorship and your registration at the University may be temporarily withdrawn, under the University Regulation 36.4 (2).

Section 5: Low risk nationals

If you are a low risk national, you are not required to submit financial evidence with your visa application. However, the UKVI can request to see any evidence, or, ask for additional evidence whilst considering your application.

This is because by submitting the online UKVI application form, you are declaring that you meet the application requirements

Therefore, you should ensure that you have copies of these available should you be asked, and they should meet the requirements as listed on our webpages.

Do not upload any documents which are not necessary though, as the caseworker will have to consider them if you upload them, and can refuse your application if the document does not meet the requirement.

Section 6: If you are invited to attend a 'credibility interview'

As you are making your visa application in the UK, it is unlikely that you will be asked to attend an interview as part of your visa application process.

If you do, you will receive an email/letter after attending your appointment.

Please make us aware if you are asked to attend an interview.

Please then click on the following link and read through the guidance provided:

Section 7: Visa refusals:

If you receive an email/letter confirming that your visa has been refused or rejected, please contact us immediately.

Please then click on the following link and read through the guidance provided:

Section 8: Receiving the decision / your new BRP / collecting your BRP

You will receive an email from the UKVI confirming their decision - this will be sent to the email address you gave in your Application, ensure you have checked your spam or junk folder.

If you are a Visa national), you will receive a BRP, which should arrive within 10 working days of your UKVI Decision Email.

If you are a non-visa nationals will only receive a e-visa (a digital status).

Your new BRP card will be delivered directly to the residential address you put on your visa application form.

If you live on campus, please ensure that you put the correct delivery address: Home - Post room (

When you receive your new BRP card, you need to check it for any errors.

It is important that you check it carefully, because for most errors, it can only be corrected if you submit the request within 14 days of receiving a decision.

Please click on the following link to see our guidance on how to do this:

You will then need to upload a copy of your new BRP card so that we can update your immigration records.

Section 9: Right to study:

Under the sponsor licence duties under the Points Based System, it is a legal requirement that the University keeps a copy of your passport and visa, including your BRP card, confirming you have appropriate immigration permission to study here.

You are therefore required to provide us with a copy of your new visa as soon as you receive your new BRP card.

If you fail to do so, we may need withdraw our sponsorship and your registration at the University may be temporarily withdrawn, under the University Regulation 36.4 (2).

Section 10: Police registration

Some nationals are required to register with the police as a condition of their visa.

This condition will be listed on your UKVI Decision Email when you receive it - please ensure you have read and understood all the conditions listed within your decision email.

Please click on the following link and read the guidance provided with regards to Police Registration:

Section 11: If you have further queries and useful links:

If, after reading the guidance above, and you are still unsure of what you should do next, please contact Student Immigration to discuss your situation via the following methods:

    Please click on the following links for more information

    University of Warwick:

    UK Government:

    Other contacts:

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