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Meet Raad

Meet Raad - PhD English and Comparative Literary Studies student

"My name is Raad Khair Allah, a PhD student in the Faculty of Arts/ Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies. My thesis title is ‘Contemporary Arab Women Writers, Filmmakers and Artists in an International Frame’.

I am also a Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of English at Warwick, and a former member of the seminar series organising committee at CSGW/Center for the Study of Women and Gender. I was a candidate for the Paula Svonkin Creative Art Award at the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) conference in Los Angeles, USA, 2022.

Prior to joining the University of Warwick, I worked as an English lecturer at Damascus University (part-time, 2009-2012) and the Syrian Private University (full-time, 2014-2018). My research interests are Women's Studies, Gender, Feminism, Sexuality and War.

My passions and future goals are making a difference in women’s lives and to be an inspiration to women."

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