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Warwick Undergraduate Global Excellence Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2025

Warwick Undergraduate Global Excellence Scholarship – Terms and Conditions

Please read this carefully and ensure that you understand the conditions of the scholarship you have applied for.

The University of Warwick reserves the right to withdraw your scholarship if you are subsequently found to be ineligible or if these terms and conditions are not adhered to. The University of Warwick also reserves the right to amend its scholarship provision without notice.

As a Warwick Undergraduate Global Excellence Scholarship holder, you are required to:

  1. Accept the scholarship by the given deadline – the University reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a scholarship if it is not accepted by the given deadline on the offer letter.
  2. Be accepted onto your course following confirmation of examination grades and meeting any other outstanding conditions of your offer.
  3. Register on your academic course by the given start date in Autumn of the entry year. Scholarships cannot be deferred to the following academic year.
  4. Be registered as a full-time student and be classified as overseas for fee purposes.
  5. (i) Seek permission and obtain consent from the university Scholarships Team before making any changes to your programme of study, this includes changing course title, course transfers, suspending studies, taking an optional intercalated or placement year etc. Please note that approval is not guaranteed.
    (ii) Where changes are made without prior approval, the scholarship will be withdrawn, and you may be required to repay the scholarship in full. Scholarships are not automatically extendable.
  6. Understand that, for intercalated or placement years:
    (i) where this is a compulsory part of the course and is denoted clearly in the course title i.e. [subject] with Industrial Placement, the scholarship would typically be paid during this placement or year, pro-rata to the fee for the year.
    (ii) where the intercalated or placement year is optional/not compulsory and the course can be taken with the ‘option of’, by default, no scholarship will be paid during this year. Requests for some of the award within the optional placement or intercalated year can be considered, subject to departmental approval.
  7. Inform the Scholarships Team of any other scholarships/sponsorship currently held or awarded at a later date. The scholarship may be adjusted or withdrawn if the other sources of funding exceed the total cost of the tuition fee.
  8. Pay all outstanding tuition fees by University deadlines if you have not been awarded a full scholarship, as detailed on our student finance web pages (Student Finance - University of Warwick). Non-payment of fees may result in the scholarship being withdrawn and full fees being charged to you.
  9. (i) As this scholarship is only available to cover all or part of your tuition fees, you are expected to maintain your living costs for the duration of your programme of study. Additional financial support is not available. The University recommends that students will need £1,023 per month for living costs, in line with maintenance costs required for visa purposes. More information on this can be found on our immigration pages (
  10. Acknowledge that your scholarship award amount is set for the duration at the point it is awarded and cannot typically be amended or increased i.e. for performance on the course, or due to external factors such as cost of living. Should you require additional support or are experiencing hardship during study, please contact the Student Funding Team.
  11. Make satisfactory progress on your programme of study. 
  12. Repay the scholarship amount, pro-rata, if you withdraw from your course before completion.
  13. Agree to act in an ambassadorial capacity. This may be undertaken in a number of different ways and could include any of the following: writing a blog about your experiences at the University of Warwick, to write a short profile on what winning the scholarship has meant for you, to work with the Student Recruitment team to support recruitment activities, consent to your name being included in any publicity information about the scholarship awards.  
  14. Agree to the University of Warwick contacting you approximately two years after your graduation for an update on how the scholarship has influenced your career.