Teaching Excellence
Experience excellent teaching
Our expert teachers work alongside, and in partnership with, students to create new knowledge. Together, we challenge expectations. We ask the difficult questions and find the answers in between.
Warwick’s academics bring their research expertise directly into the classroom, but we know that no one person has all the answers. So our teachers are also learners. Our students also challenge.
Always listening, always learning, we are united by our desire to learn more. We are powered by our passion for excellence.
Warwick was recently awarded Gold in all categories of the latest Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). This result recognises the innovation, collaboration and determination of our teachers, and the University's commitment to putting student learning and success at the centre of what we do. We were also awarded University of the Year for Teaching Quality in 2022 by The Times and Sunday Times.

Professor Michael Scott
Teacher of Classics and Ancient History, Department of Classics & Ancient History
"The spirit of innovation here is incredibly precious."

Dr Leda Mirbahai
Teacher of Health and Medical Sciences, Warwick Medical School
"Our students feel supported, respected and valued."

Associate Professor Rachel Dickinson
Teacher of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Warwick Business School
"Students get me thinking all the time."

Yinka Aresa
English Literature Student and Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) Fellow, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies
"I am passionate about equity in education."

Associate Professor Naomi De La Tour
Teacher of Interdisciplinary Modules, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning
"We can create new worlds through education."