2020-21 Exec
Oliver Sabin
Maths, 3rd Year
Hi, I’m Oli! I'm a third year maths student and I haven't actually finished my Gold DofE.
I completed my Bronze and Silver Awards at school and wanted to carry on the hiking fun when I came to Warwick so started my Gold Award. I have been on every trip since I joined the society in first year, and so thought it made sense to join the exec last year as an Expeditions Officer.
My job as President is to make sure the society runs smoothly and everyone is well fed with biscuits. I am hoping we will be able to do a few more day trips this year so I hope to meet lots of you.
Top Tip: Take at least 4 packets of chocolate oaties on every expedition.
Vice President
Chun Chiu
Engineering, 3rd Year
Hey, I'm Chun.
I will be responsible for helping you complete all your sections and sort everything eDofE related. If you have any questions, I will be happy to help! My best piece of advice is that if your boots get dirty on your expedition, just walk through a stream/river and your boots will get clean! (disclaimer: it might get soaked)
Steven Yeung
Engineering, 4th Year
Hello there, my name is Steven and I’m a fourth year Electronic Engineering student.
I will be the society’s treasurer for this year which entails responsible management of the society’s funds, completing necessary forms and ensuring that there is no shady business with the society’s funds. You’ll find that I’m always walking into puddles and trying to avoid cyclists on an everyday basis.
Important quotes:
“I hate walking.” – Steven 2018
“I still hate walking.” – Steven 2019
"What is DofE??." – Steven 2020
Expeditions Officer
James Grant
Engineering, 4th Year
Hello, I’m James. I am a third year Mechanical Engineering student.
I completed my Bronze and Silver awards at school and just recently my Gold award with the Society in my first two years at Warwick. My role, along with Brittany, is to organize the Practice and Qualifying Expeditions in the summer for participants. However, we also plan trips throughout the year to serve as opportunities to prepare for these, as well as being a fun weekend away for anyone who likes walking. This is regardless of their involvement in the DofE award. Outside of DofE, I enjoy playing the trombone and anything to do with Hillman Imps!
Expeditions Officer
Brittany Arthur
Biomedical Sciences, 2nd Year
Hi guys, I'm Brittany and I am your new expeditions officer along with James! As an avid biomedical scientist I enjoy being in the outdoors with any opportunity I get. I like to scout out the area I live, plan a new cycling trail to my destination, and rate it out of 10 later relative to the weather that day. I am in the process of doing my Gold award without having done the Bronze or Silver award and I'm looking forward to seeing you on our upcoming trips!
Secretary & Social Secretary
Adam Partridge
Maths, 3rd Year
Hey, I'm Adam and I'm in 3rd year studying maths. Oliver (who's now President!) made me try out this society last year and I'm so, so grateful he did because I've completely fallen in love with it!
I organise the exec's meetings and the society's social events, so it's my job to make the socials as inclusive to everyone's tastes as possible. Of course my role also involves being social and talking to people. (I never said this role was within my comfort zone!)
If you have any ideas for socials then pleeeaaase drop me a message or an email, I'm super open to new ideas!
Post Gold Coordinator
Jack Adams
Computer Science, Research Masters
Hi! I completed my Gold Expedition on the Isle of Arran, Scotland, before finishing my award in 2017. I studied Systems Engineering at Warwick for my Bachelor's degree, during which I have been DofE Expeditions Officer in 2018/19 and on the Canoe Club exec in 2019/20 - I'm now back as Post-Gold Coordinator for 2020/21. This means I'll be finding reasons for people who have completed their DofE expedition/award to stay active with the society - whether that is to become a mentor and pass on your tips to new members or to come along to enjoy and/or help run events like trips and night hikes.
Interesting fact: The Lake District, where our Qualifying Expeditions are currently held, only has one lake within it. - "Although it is home to many waters, meres and tarns, only Bassenthwaite Lake near Keswick in the north of the area has lake in its title. Otherwise there are 16 bodies of water that are considered to be the main lakes" - https://www.walklakes.co.uk/lakes_about.html
IT & Publicity Officer
Katherine Stretch
English and French, 3rd Year
Hi, I'm Katherine! I haven't actually finished my Gold award yet (shhh!) but I've still been very involved in the society over the last two years! You probably won't see me around much this year because I'll be on my year abroad in the French Alps - I'm hoping to live the ultimate DofE adventure for real! I'll still drop by whenever I can, and I'll be working on updating the website, publicising the society and making sure the snazziest photos from our events see the light of day!