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Exec By-Elections Are On the Horizon!

The date is set (again!): over Weeks 4 and 5, we're holding another round of elections to find our final two exec members for the 2021/22 year! Unlike last time, we won't be holding an elections event, so make sure you read all the information below to help things run as smoothly as possible!

We're looking to fill the roles of Social Sec/Secretary and Post Gold Coordinator. If you think you might be interested in either role (or both!), please do nominate yourself! We'd love for you to join us!

How It's Going to Work

  • If you want to vote you must be a current member of the society.
  • If you want to nominate yourself for an exec position you can do so anytime between 12pm (midday) on Monday 17th May and 12pm (midday) on Monday 24th May. You should also email our President, Naomi Betts (N dot Betts at warwick dot ac dot uk), to let her know you've nominated yourself, and provide her with a slide with some of your ideas for the role/any relevant experience you have/a bit about yourself. This will be used on our social media to give you an opportunity to tell people why they should vote for you, so make it count!

You'll be able to nominate yourself on our SU page as soon as it goes live!

  • Voting will open at 12pm (midday) on Wednesday 26th May, and stay open until 12pm (midday) on Friday 28th May. Voting will be done via our SU page. Any slides received from nominees will be posted on our social media when voting opens - you'll only get one vote per role, so make sure you give them a read in order to really make it count!

(And yes, you can vote for yourself!)

  • Results will be published as soon as we know them, so keep an eye on our social media!


How Should Nominees Promote Their Ideas?

Nominees for either role are strongly encouraged to provide a slide with: a little bit about you, your history with the DofE society, and - most importantly - all your plans for the position and why people should vote for you! Instead of a live event, these will be used on our social media as your opportunity to pitch yourself to the people voting! Don't forget to submit yours!

Need Some Inspiration?

Thinking of nominating yourself for either exec position but not sure which one you'd suit? Our 2020/21 exec members have put together some information for you! Check out the slideshow above for more information about the roles we're looking to fill: what each role involves and what our exec members have enjoyed the most about doing it this last year! If you have any questions about a specific role, don't hesitate to contact our exec! Head over to our Meet the Exec page to find out who's currently in the role you've got your eye on, and ask away!