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Calendar Archive 2013-14

Term 1 (Autumn 2013)

(Show Term 1 Calendar)

Date What Description Time

Thursday 3rd October (Week 1)

Freshers' Fair We'll have a stall all day at Freshers' Fair, to be held in the Copper Rooms. Pop down when you're available to have a chat to our exec and ask them any questions you may have about the Award. 10am-4pm

Thursday 3rd October (Week 1)

Induction Session Find out all you need to know about the award and our society! To be held in SUHQ- Central meeting room (above Costcutter). 7pm-7:30pm

Wednesday 9th October (Week 2)

Induction Session Couldn’t make the first induction session? Then this one is for you! Find out all you need to know about the award and our society! To be held in SUHQ- Meeting room 4/5 (above Costcutter). 7pm-7:30pm

Monday 14th October (Week 3)

Ice Skating Social Back by popular demand! The DofE Ice Skating social. Whether you are a pro or have never skated in your life join us for what is certainly going to be a fun filled evening. We'll be heading to the Skydome in Coventry, but meet on the Piazza as we will be travelling together. 7:30pm onwards

Thursday 17th October (Week 3)

Night Hike

The ever popular night hike is back. Come join us for an evening walk in the countryside around campus, followed by some drinks in the pub (Varsity). Meet on the Piazza.

7:30pm onwards

Thursday 24th October (Week 4)

Expedition Report Back Come and watch last year’s expedition participants present back their report on the expedition and a meal afterwards. We will have the presentations and meal in Leamington. You can either meet us on the Piazza at 7pm and take the bus together or meet us at 7:45pm in the pub.
7pm onwards

Tuesday 29th October (Week 5)

Night Hike Join us for another Night Hike in the local country side. Learn some navigation skills and visit the pub with us! Meet on the Piazza. 7:30pm onwards

Monday 4th November (Week 6)

Drop-in Session Have any questions about the Duke of Edinburgh's Award? Come along and we will be happy to help - room TBC 7:00pm onwards

Tuesday 12th November (Week 7)

Night Hike Our last Night hike of the term! Whether you are coming on our weekend trip or not come along for a short walk and some time at the pub! Meet on the Piazza. 7:30pm onwards

15th-17th November (Week 7)

Weekend Hiking Trip Our first weekend walking trip of the year! Come to Snowdonia with us to practice your walking skills and enjoy a break from all that post reading week work! 5:45pm onwards

Thursday 21st November (Week 8)

Social - Bowling Our penultimate social of the term! We'll be meeting on the Piazza at 6:15pm, heading to Leamington to go bowling. Leamington bowling has a £5 deal for students for two games including shoe hire. Afterwards we'll probably head to the jug and jester for a quick drink. If you want to meet us straight there, we should be there around 7:15pm. 6:15pm onwards

Thursday 28th November (Week 9)

Christmas Social Final DofE Event of the year! Come with us to our Christmas social to round off the term. The restaurant will be confirmed nearer the time! 6:15pm onwards

Term 2 (Spring 2014)

(Show Term 2 Calendar)

Term 3 (Summer 2014)

(Show Term 3 Calendar)


Expeditions (2014)

Date What Description Time
Saturday 28th June
- Friday 4th July
Practice Expedition
Practice Gold Expedition.
Week after the last week of Term.
Depart: Early morning
Finish: Late morning
Saturday 20th September
- Friday 26th September.
Qualifying Expedition
Finishes on the Friday before the start of term.
Date may be changed if dependant on what the groups prefer.
Depart: Early morning
Finish: Late morning
Working out routes and map marking out for the Practice Expedition in Snowdonia.