Events calendar
Midlands Classics Colloquium
The second in a series of annual colloquia in Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology. The aim is to bring together six Midlands departments (Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Warwick, Coventry and Newman) to forge connections and encourage further collaboration between our academic communities.
If you wish to attend the dinner, please contact the organiser Dario Calomino.
Interacting with the Gods (abstracts)
2:00: Prof Zahra Newby. Professor of Classics and Ancient History, University of Warwick
Dr Dario Calomino. Research Fellow, University of Warwick
First Session: Gifts for the Gods
2:15: Dr Michaela Senkova. Teaching Fellow, University of Leicester
‘Textile-related votives in ancient Greek religion’
2:45: Denise Wilding. PhD Candidate, University of Warwick
‘Tokens and Temples: The role of tokens in interactions between worshippers and gods in the Roman period’
3:15: Coffee Break
Second Session: Defining and Interpreting the Divine
3:45: Dr Theodora Jim. Assistant Professor in Ancient Greek History, University of Nottingham
'Nothing to do with the Afterlife? Soteria in ancient Greece’
4:15: Dr Daniel Anderson. Research Associate, University of Coventry
‘Dionysus on the comic stage’
4:45: Dr Ailsa Hunt. Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Birmingham
‘What does Numen mean?’
5:15: Drinks
6:30: Dinner