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Connections: Violeta Xanthouli

"I recently started my own company. It's only because of my studies at WBS and the interactions I had with so many international students that I was able to make the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was lucky to have participated in groups with people coming from all over the world, who gave me new perspectives and ideas of what's possible."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:52 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Savia Wyszegrodzki

"I met Sacha Wyszegrodzki (BSc Management, 2015) in his third (my first) year at Warwick and we got married 7 years later on 18th March 2022 in Brussels."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:50 | Tags: Connections

Connections: Hon Win Woon

"In 2008, I suffered a traumatic brain injury after participating in a skiing trip during the Easter break. Despite the seriousness of the injury, I managed to recover my consciousness a year after the injury and started my long journey of recovery till today."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:49 | Tags: Connections Engineering Faculty of Science

Connections: Carol Anne Williams

"I was in the first 3 year training course to go through Canley in the Sixties. Really loved it and moved down to London to teach for two years before marrying and moving down to Sussex. Even starting a family did not prevent me from teaching and I gradually worked up the promotion ladder to become a Primary Head in Lewes in East Sussex. After seven years in post I applied for a Primary Head position at the British School of Kuwait and worked there for four years before moving to a similar position in Fujairah in the UAE. I finished my teaching career there before retiring and returning to Sussex. I have loved every minute of my teaching!"

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:48 | Tags: Connections Education Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Ken Wharton

Ken Wharton has written 13 books in which he chronicled the troubles in Northern Ireland from 1969-98. Ken previously served in the British Army in the Royal Green Jackets regiment, serving two tours in Northern Ireland, giving him perspective and experience to produce such compelling work. His books share first-hand accounts from soldiers of all ranks. Two of his books are bestsellers and he has contributed to over 20 newspaper articles. Ken has also been interviews by the BBC and was an Associate Producer on a documentary for the History Chanel.

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:47 | Tags: Connections Politics

Connections: Malcolm Todd

"After leaving Warwick in 1977 with a Mathematics BSc, I spent a year at Canley College of Education doing a PGCE in Mathematics and Physical Education, before deciding on IT as a career. Over my IT career I have held senior IT roles in leading UK & Global financial and legal organisations, and had many opportunities to represent these firms globally in many merger and industry forums."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:44 | Tags: Connections Education Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Patcharin Tanuphol

"I am an ordinary office worker in a business development position. I spend time working, travelling, reading, doing sports, photographing and listening to songs and podcasts."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:43 | Tags: Connections

Connections: Yu Tang

"One of my favourite memories from Warwick is related to the Easter weeks when I joined an extra-curricular activity of Warwick Business School (WBS). I spent a few weeks taking the exciting challenge at the Shard and brought in-depth insights into business. Nowadays businesses are realising the importance of their people in defining their brand, and I learned from Warwick how to brand myself. Every physical interaction, e-mail and voicemail builds my brand, and thus I consider consciously the impression I make."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:42 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Ivan Stuart

"I am currently working as an Agile Coach. I had a passion for technology which fed into my career choices. This landed me in a number of great IT companies over the years."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:39 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Science Mathematics

Connections: Anne Stanyon

"Being at Warwick was the best time ever! Before, I’d been a stage designer and illustrator and never dreamed, coming from a working class background, and the depths of darkest Coventry, that I’d ever be accepted into a university. I’d been told, in Sixth Form, that “girls from Secondary Modern Schools don’t go to university”, so getting that acceptance letter changed my whole life!"

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:33 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Arts History

Connections: Dr Chyyo Singh Sada

"Warwick as I read years back is a centre for Excellence in Creativity and a perfect educational hub.

Being there to learn the art of ART/IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) was total ecstasy. The IVF Unit and the teaching faculty were top-level and they were kind enough to transfer the valuable knowledge to deserving students without any quid pro quo. Presently my practice of ART/IVF at Mothercare Hospital, Pune India has grown, not because of my strength, but the tips that I cultivated at Warwick. Thank you."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:32 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Science

Connections: Alicia Sedgwick

Alicia’s book, Communicating Through Change, is based on her personal experiences and offers lessons learned and practical exercises for coping with issues of divorce, bereavement, career change, study changes, relocation, living through a pandemic, and other shared experiences. She launched the book on January 19th 2021 and it was immediately listed as No.1 Bestseller on Amazon in the US, UK, France and India.

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:31 | Tags: Connections

Connections: Veena Shinde

"I am extremely grateful for the teaching I received at Warwick. Thank you to Geraldine Hartshorne, Rina Agarwal, Sue Montgomery and Sarah Drury. I have been doing great, the course was very helpful. I have since referred doctors from India to this course."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:31 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Science

Connections: Jake Schogger

"I am an entrepreneur, best-selling author, qualified lawyer, career coach and commercial/creative consultant.

Before university, I was a full-time musician for a number of years, but after our singer quit, I joined Warwick to study Law & Business. I really enjoyed my degree, from the social aspects and my time running societies, to the broad mix of modules that I was able to study."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:29 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Vanessa Sanders

"I am a graduate from many years ago – 1986. My journey has been wayward starting out with a degree in Theatre Studies with all good intentions, but then I was lured to the dark side and into the depths of taxation. First becoming an Inspector of Taxes for HM Revenue & Customs and then training as a chartered accountant with Big Four firm E&Y in London qualifying in 1992 as the first and at that time, only graduate from Theatre Studies."

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:28 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Arts Theatre

Connections: Mark Rogerson

John Mason (Man.Sci. 1979-82), Paul Sullivan (Physics 1979-82) and Mark Rogerson (Man.Sci. 1979-82) are University of Warwick graduates who, in their final year, collaborated and performed in a rock band along with two fellow students. The five-piece called themselves "The Interviewees” and played at a few parties in the old SU building and featured in the talent contest organised by the Events committee in March 1982. That talent/song contest did end in controversy and the Warwick Boar issue of the following week famously carried the front-page revelation of result "fixing" allegations.

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:26 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Derek Robins

It was Frisbee that drew me to Warwick. The University Frisbee Club started in 1976 and must be one of the oldest clubs in Europe. It also had the only Disc Golf course in the country, albeit with wooden posts as targets rather than the basket with chains. The course has long since disappeared as it was incrementally dismembered to make way for new buildings. My love of flying discs never waned. It's many years since I played Ultimate but I'm still in touch with players from my era and subsequent years. I worked at the University from 1987 to 2017 in various roles including implementing two financial systems.

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:25 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Social Sciences

Connections: Eloise Richer

Learn about Eloise's experience studying Physics at the University of Warwick and her life after graduation.

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:24 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Science Physics

Connections: Natasha Read

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the University of Warwick. I grew up in a small village in the countryside where I didn’t have the opportunity to meet people from different cultures, backgrounds, or other countries. Warwick has a strong international student base and I learnt a lot from meeting people from all walks of life and seeing the world outside of my sleepy Gloucestershire village!"

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:23 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Social Sciences Law

Connections: Doug Miller

Philanthropist Doug Miller, who with his wife Audrey founded the Multicultural Scholars Programme here at Warwick, has created a global venture philanthropy network with more than 1,000 members and 100 team members across four continents.

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:22 | Tags: Connections Giving

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