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The language of banking

First class graduate Fay Inverarity (BA German Studies, 2021; MA Translation and Cultures, 2022) has swapped multilingualism for mortgages after securing a place on Barclays’ Retail Banking Graduate Scheme.

Why did you choose an undergraduate and masters’ degree at Warwick?
I started my journey at Warwick with a BA in German Studies. In my first year, I chose a cross-school module in Translation Studies. I enjoyed this so much that I opted to take another module in my final year, during which Dr Olga Castro gave a lecture on Feminist Translation. Hearing about the possible intersection between two subjects I already loved, Feminism and Translation, I decided to complete an MA in Translation and Cultures. The fabulous experience I had as an undergraduate, as well as the opportunity to work with Olga as my dissertation supervisor, made staying at Warwick an easy decision.

How did you spend your time outside lectures?
I spent a lot of my time volunteering. Throughout my MA, I was a member of the Residential Life Team, living within the student halls and supporting other postgraduate students through the highs and lows of postgrad life. I was also a Postgraduate mentor, a library associate and even worked as an exam invigilator while I was writing my dissertation – I don’t think I’ll ever forget writing my literature review in an empty exam hall!

What’s your proudest achievement to date?
Definitely my dissertation - I’m still surprised that I managed to write 20,000 words, never mind enjoying it! Choosing a subject that I loved and dedicating my time to writing about it was a difficult but thoroughly rewarding experience. I’m really proud of the work I produced, and I learned a lot along the way.

What happened after graduation?
By leveraging the various experiences I had from my time at university, as well as the transferable skills that a degree in translation studies provided me with, I was able to secure a place on the Retail Banking Scheme at Barclays. The scheme is rotational which means I get to work in different areas of the business. Right now, I’m working as a Mortgage Strategy Delivery Manager, so my day to day involves digitalising mortgage journeys for our customers.

How did Warwick prepare you for life after university?
On the face of it, languages and banking don’t seem to go hand-in-hand, but I’ve found that the broad skillset that I developed throughout my degree has served me well in my role so far. In fact, one of my mentors at Barclays is a Warwick German alumnus too! Thanks to all the opportunities available to me as a student, I learned a lot of skills inside and outside the classroom. I took part in the Warwick Award during my masters, where I spent time completing extra-curricular work, like blogging and mentoring, and then reflecting on how these had helped me develop.

What advice would you give someone about to begin a languages degree?
Make sure you base your essays on the subjects that excite you. I found myself drawn to topics like impact of translator identity in the translation of women’s sexual assault literature, and the translation of radical feminist literature. Finding the research areas that drive you will help you so much in the long run throughout your degree. These pieces of coursework are a big investment of your time, so make them feel worthwhile!

"Thanks to all the opportunities available to me as a student, I learned a lot of skills inside and outside the classroom.”