Undergraduates Starting With Us

We are really looking forward to welcoming all of our new students! We very much hope you will have a memorable and inspiring time here with us.
Welcome Week and Induction
There will also be the opportunity to meet your student mentors and your personal tutor.
Before You Arrive
Before you arrive, we suggest that you spend some time over the summer consolidating what you already know about the ancient world, and dipping into unfamiliar territory. Don't forget to visit local sites/museums to look at ancient artefacts, as well as completing some of the suggested reading. Take a look also at some of our blog series, Material Musings, and Coins at Warwick, and watch films on our YouTube channel. Don't forget to check out our student blogs.
Reading Lists to Look at Before You Arrive
- Ancient History and Classical Archaeology / Classical Civilisation/English and Classical Civilisation
- Classics / Classics and English
Decide on your Modules
Before you arrive, please start thinking about what modules you would like to take during your first year. Each degree has some compulsory core modules while others are optional.
- Click here for details on the Classics and Classics and English Degrees
- Click here for details on the Ancient History and Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilisation degrees
You may be able to find further details of the modules by looking at the pages of the relevant departments. For Classics modules, further information is available by clicking on the relevant link on our module page.
Language Modules:
We encourage you to consider learning an ancient language in your first year, even if you haven't studied one before. Q800 Classics students will take both Latin and Greek at the appropriate level.
Latin for Beginners
You do not need to carry out any preliminary work. However, if you want to make a start, the Open University has an excellent introduction Introducing Classical Latin. This would be particularly helpful if you have not done much foreign language learning previously. The course book itself is very approachable and you may want to start reading the first chapter or two. You can find out more on the module page.
If you have Latin or Greek at A-level and are planning to take the ‘Literary Texts’ modules please see below for essential preparatory work.
Greek for beginners
If you are interested in learning ancient Greek we ask you to learn the alphabet before you arrive. The most effective way of doing this is working through the OU webpages which are interactive and help you practice recognising and pronouncing the alphabet. More information is available on the Warwick module webpage.
Intermediate: GCSE or A level language qualifications
If you took GCSE Latin in Year 11 but did not take Latin A level, you will be assessed at the start of the year to see if the intermediate level is right for you; it may be that a refresher via the beginners level will be more appropriate.
If you took Latin A Level this summer, then you will be taking the module Latin Literary Texts. You should revise your grammar and vocabulary before term starts. More information is available on the module web page.
If you have Greek A level, then you will take the module Greek Literary Texts. You should revise your grammar and vocabulary before term starts. More information is available on the module webpage.
If you have any questions, then please contact David Fearn at D.W.Fearn@warwick.ac.uk