Dr Stanley Ireland
Emeritus Reader
Email: S dot Ireland at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building
University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Dr Stanley Ireland joined what was then the Joint School of Classics at Warwick in 1988 following the closure of Classics at his previous university. Since then has taught a wide range of modules at Warwick including Roman Britain, Greek New Comedy, Roman Comedy, Archaeology, and Greek & Roman Numismatics, as well as every level of Greek offered by the department. In terms of administration he has twice acted as Head of Department, overseen the Erasmus exchange between the department and the Universities of Venice and Bologna, been Admissions Secretary, Exams Secretary, Library Representative, and Director of Undergraduate Studies. He has been a Council member of the Classical Association on a number of occasions, was instrumental in reorganising the CA conference format in the early 1990s, and organized the CA Centenary conference at Warwick in 2002. Though retiring at the end of September 2011, he remains closely associated with the department.
Research interests
Dr. Ireland wrote his doctoral thesis on Aeschylus, but since then he has developed a wide range of research interests: Roman Britain, Greek and Roman comedy, and ancient coinage, especially that of Asia Minor. He has written a number of articles and books on these, including editions of Terence's Mother-In-Law (1990), Menander's Bad-Tempered Man (2nd ed. 2000), Menander’s Shield and Arbitration (2010), Roman Britain, A Sourcebook (3rd ed. 2008) and catalogues of the ancient coins held in Turkish municipal museums at Amasra (1996) and Amasya (2000). This latter also resulted in the spin-off of organising an international conference in Amasya on The Ottoman House, the proceedings of which he edited (1998). Since then he has published a catalogue of a Grand Tour collection held in the Warwickshire museum, and is joint author of catalogues of the Asia Minor coins in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Most recently he has catalogued and published the hoard of 1153 Roman denarii found recently in S. Warwickshire and on display in the Warwickshire Museum. He is currrently engaged in readying for publication the final volume of Ashmolean Sylloge of Asia Minor coins: Ionia.
Selected publications
- The Ancient Coins in Amasra Museum, in Ashton, Studies in Ancient Coinage from Turkey, p. 115-137. London 1996.
- Coinage of the Bosporan Kingdom from the First Century BC to the Middle of the First Century AD (with Nina Frolova, Curator of Greek Coins, State Historical Museum, Red Square, Moscow), Oxford 2002.
- A Catalogue of Ancient Coins in the Cabinet of Sir Roger Newdigate of Arbury Hall, Warwickshire: A Grand Tour Collection, London 2005.
- Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, Part IX, Bosporus-Aeolis (with Richard Ashton, London), Oxford 2007.
- Roman Britain: A Sourcebook (3rd ed.), London 2008.
It is over a decade since the second edition of the highly successful sourcebook appeared, during which period a number of additions to our documentary evidence have surfaced, together with emendations to the names of both tribes and individuals. The main addition to the work, however, will be the inclusion of Caesar's commentaries on his two expeditions to Britain and the relevant sections of Tacitus' biography of his father-in-law. - Terence, The Mother-in-Law, Warminster 1990
- 'New Comedy' in G. Dobrov (ed.), Greek Comedy, Brill 2010.
- Menander, the Bad-Tempered Man, Warminster 1995.
- Menander, The Shield and Arbitration, Oxford 2010.
- Menander is the only representative of Greek New Comedy to have survived from antiquity, and even then he remained a largely unknown author till discoveries of text in Egypt i Museum Oxdn the early 20th century. The edition of two plays, Aspis (The Shield) and Epitrepontes (Arbitration) forms part of the Aris & Phillips series, providing text, translation, and commentary based largely on the translation.
- Amor en Menandro in Eros en la Literatura Griega, ed. Lopez Ferez, Madrid 2020, p.243-261, .
- Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, Part XI, Caria-Commagene (with Richard Ashton, London), Oxford 2013.
- The South Warwickshire Hoard of Roman Denarii, Oxford 2013.
- Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, Part X,Ionia (with Philip Kinns, Volker Heuchert) Oxford 2024.
Professional associations
- Royal Numismatic Society
- Classical Association
- B.A. (Hull)
- Ph.D. (Cambridge)