Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Taught MA Co-Ordinator.
Curator of the Antiquities Collection and overseeing the UK's
Money and Medals NetworkLink opens in a new window
Tel: ext. 22069
Email: S dot Frey-Kupper at warwick dot ac dot uk
FAB2.05, Faculty of Arts Building, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL
After studying Classical Archaeology, Christian Archaeology and History of Art, and Prehistory at the University of Zurich, Suzanne Frey-Kupper earned a PhD in Ancient History at the University of Lausanne. She was a lecturer at the University of Zurich from 2007 to 2011 and joined Warwick in 2011/2012. Her research is guided by a diachronical and supra-regional approach with the aim of understanding the roots of Western culture. Collaboration with teams of various excavations gave her the opportunity to focus on numismatics. In 2014 she held a Visiting Professorship in Numismatics at the ANS in New York and in 2017 at the Università degli Studi in Padua. She was awarded the Global Contribution Award by the University of Warwick in 2016 and the Jeton de vermeil by the Société française de numismatique in 2024.
Other milestones have been the creation of a number of enduring projects: the Swiss Working Group on Coin Finds (SAF/GSETM), founded in 1985 under her chairmanship, which in turn led to the creation of the Inventory of Swiss Coin Finds (IFS/ITMS of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences). From 1991-98 she directed the IFS/ITMS in Lausanne, and launched the series with the same title. In 1995, she established the series Untersuchungen zu Numismatik und Geldgeschichte / Études de numismatique et d’histoire monétaire.
Suzanne Frey-Kupper is an associate member of the Centre for the Study of the RenaissanceLink opens in a new window. She served and still serves on various international editorial boards and was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Research interests
Suzanne Frey-Kupper works on Greek, Punic and Roman coinage, and the Western Mediterranean. She is interested in coins from archaeological contexts and as part of ancient material culture testifying to historical processes, technical and artistic skills, social and economic phenomena, and religious beliefs. With Keith Rutter and John Morcom she is preparing the volume Sicily and the Adjacent Islands of Historia Numorum which is the standard reference catalogue of Ancient Greek coins. She has published coin finds from many major archaeological sites, such as Rome, Lilybaion, Iaitas, Entella, Malta (sanctuary of Tas-Silġ), Cossyra and Carthage, and has been entrusted with the study of further coin series (Rome, the late Roman destruction layer of the Basilica Aemilia on the Forum Romanum; Selinunte, acropolis with the area of temples B and C; Gozo, Għar ix-xiħ ; Carthage, Bir Messaouda and Rue Ibn Chabâat; Aventicum in Switzerland, sanctuaries).
- Principles and Methods of Classical Archaeology
- Coinage of Greece & Rome
- Greek Culture and Society
- Roman Culture and Society
- Hellenistic World
- The City of Rome
- Induction Seminars & Research Progress Seminars to MA & PhD students
- Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture (Numismatics, Classical Archaeology, Art)
- Core module co-ordinator
PhD supervision
- In progress:
- Money for the Gods: Coinage and Sacred Spaces at the Late Iron Age and Roman Sanctuary at Uley (Susan Walker, from 2021/2022; CADRE funded)
- The Coins of Roman Tarsus: Discovering Economic and Political Networks through the Propagation of Civic and Cultural Identity on the Coins of Roman Cilicia (Campbell Orchard, from 2021/22; M4C funded) (jointly with Dr Andreas Kropp, Nottingham)
- Aventicum/Avenches, capitale de la Civitas Helvetiorum : étude des trouvailles monétaires provenant des édifices publics et de l’habitat (insulae et hors quartiers réguliers) (Isabella Liggi Asperoni, from 2021/22; co-tutelle with Prof. Michel Fuchs, Université de Lausanne)
- Graduated:
- Coins of the Republican Period (Late Third to Late First Century BC) Circulating in Central Italy and the Coin Sample from the ’Sottosuolo Urbano’ of Rome Kept in the Medagliere Capitolino (Marta Barbato, 2014-18; Wolfson Grant funded)
- The Transformation of the Sacred Landscape within the Former Kingdom of Hieron II, Southeastern Sicily: from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire (212 BC - AD 96) (James Currie, 2014-20) (jointly with Prof Alison E. Cooley to 2017/18)
- Monete da recenti scavi a Milano. Nuovi dati da contesti archeologici per la ricomposizione della circolazione monetale alla luce della storia della città antica (Alessandro Bona, 2019-22; co-tutelle with Prof. Claudia Perassi Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, funded by Cattolica University)
- Classicizing Iconography on British Medals and War Memorials of the Great War and Contemporary and Modern Responses (Giles Penman, 2017/18-2023/24, part-time, Dept. funded) (jointly with Dr Pierre Purseigle)
- War, History, Iconographies and Contexts from Southern Italy from the End of the Fourth Century BC to the First Half of the First Century BC (Carlo Lualdi, from 2018/19; M4C funded) (jointly with Dr William Mack, Birmingham, 2019/20-2023/2024)
TMA Diss. supervision
- Saving for a Rainy Day. Profiling the Coinage of Gordian III in Hoards from Roman Britain, Gaul and Germania (Campbell Orchard, 2020/21)
- A new Heracules for a new Emperor. Analysing Coinage and Sculpture for Hadrian (Robert Schönell, 2020/21)
- Tripontium, Bannaventa, and Lactodurum: what was the Function of these Small Towns in the Roman Midlands? (Elizabeth Lockwood, 2020/21)
- Tracking and Comparing the Origin, Design and Use of Early Coinage in the Ancient World- The Greek and Chinese Coinage till the Fourth Century BC (Menguye Liu, 2019/20)
- The Extent to which Cultural Ideas were distributed through the Western Mediterranean via the Exchange of Coinage (Leo Crozier, 2019/20)
- God, Hero, Saviour: How was Hercules portrayed in Late Antiquity? (Joshua Stones, 2018/19)
- What do mosaics reveals about the people who interact with them? (Bethany Moreing, 2018/19)
- In what ways did official medals instituted by Benito Mussolini as Prime Minister of Italy adopt iconographies of the Roman World? (Giles Penman, 2016/17)
- The Glorious Death: Extraordinary and Ordinary Commemoration of Fallen Warriors Between Augustus and Trajan (Miles Pearce, 2015/16)
- Early Christian Apologetics and 20th Century Cinema (Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture, Warwick, 2016) Simon Collier
- Magic and Mysteries: A Study of Ancient Magic and Mysticism in the French Symbolist Movement of the 19th century (Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture, Warwick, 2016) Alexandra Widdowson
- Narrative in Early Christian Art: The Case of Jonah (Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture, Warwick, 2015) Claire Heywood
- The Aurelian Wall of Rome and its impact on the city in late antiquity (Mark Griffiths, 2015/16)
- Third Century Bronze Coinage: What can a Study of Base Metal Coin Finds from AD 193-275 reveal about the Coin Circulation and Monetary Economy of Roman Britain? (Domenic Chorney, 2014/15)
- Early Christian artefacts in major British collections (Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture (Myriam Hay, 2013/14)
Research degrees examined
- Carthage : monnaie et histoire, de la prise de Sélinonte à la révolte libyenne (409-237 av. n. è.) (PhD Université d’Orléans & Institut de Recherche sur les Archéomatériaux, Centre Ernest Babelon (Orléans 2024) Jérémy Artru (supervised by Arnaud Suspène and Frédérique Duyrat)
- Monetarisierung und Geldumlauf in ländlichen Siedlungen des niederrheinischen Lössgebietes (PhD Frankfurt a.M., 2023) Rahel Otte (supervised by Fleur Kemmers)
- Archéologie d’une rite: les dépôts de monnaies en contexte funéraire entre Seine et Rhin, de la fin de l’âge du Fer au début du haut Moyen Âge (PhD Lille - EPEH Paris, 2021) Jean-Patrick Duchemin (supervised by Jean-Marc Doyen et William Van Andringa)
- Galen and Aelius Aristides on Instructional Dreams (MRA Warwick, 2020) Matthew Smith
- Hermeneutik griechischer Münzbilder (Habilitationsschrift Vienna, 2018) Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert
- A denarius perpetuus? The circulation of the “legionary denarii” of Mark Antony in Roman Italy and Britain 32 BC-AD 294 (MAR Warwick, 2015) Nathan Murphy
- Ilduro. Moneda e identidad en la Layetania republicana (siglos II-I a. C.) (PhD Barcelona, 2014) Alejandro García Sinner (supervised by Dr Mercè Roca Roumens and Dr Marta Campo Diaz)
- Civic coinages of the Orontes Valley, Syria (PhD Warwick, 2013) Jack Nurpetlian
- An investigation into the development and dissemination of Augustan ideology (MAR, Warwick, 2013) Joanna Kemp
- Les monnaies puniques conservées dans les collections publiques suisses (MAR Neuchâtel, 2012) Fanny Puthod
- Women in business in Southern Italy (MAR Warwick, 2012) Stephanie Lane
Administrative roles and interdepartmental functions
Main duties
- 2013-2014 Director of Graduate Studies
- 2013-17 Member of the Humanities Research Committee
- 2014- Convenor of TMA-Studies
- 2014-2023 Director of Study Abroad Degrees
- 2015-19 PG SSLC (Student & Staff Liaison Committee)
- 2019-23 Departmenal Senior Tutor
- 2024- Director of Undergraduate Studies
- 2024 Director of Education
Additional duties
- 2015- Undergraduate Appeals, Board of the Faculties of Arts
- 2015/16 Investigating Committee into Cases of Suspected Cheating Panel
- 2016/17-18/19 Director of Undergraduate Studies and Senior Tutor (shared with D. Fearn)
- 2019-20 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Disabilities (shared with D. Fearn)
Selected publications
- (2024) 'Dépôts votifs numismatiques dans les sanctuaires d’Aventicum, capitale de cité des Helvètes, et le médaillon d’Hadrien du sanctuaire de la Grange des Dîmes', Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique 79, 2024, pp. 175-202
- (2018) Aventicum I – Les monnaies de sept sanctuaires romains d’Avenches (ITMS 16) with I. Liggi Asperoni and N. Wolfe-Jacot (Berne: Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales, Inventaire des trouvailles monétaires suisses), 236 pp., 44 pl. and database:
- (2017) Le trésor de Thun 1955 (CH Berne). 2'304 monnaies romaines au terminus 293 de notre ère (ITMS 15) with Sylviane Estiot and Pierre Zanchi (Berne: Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales, Inventaire des trouvailles monétaires suisses), 204 pp, 52 pl., DVD and database:
- (2014) Selbstwahrnehmung und Fremdwahrnehmung in der Fundmünzenbearbeitung: Bilanz und Perspektiven am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts : II. Reflexionen — Regards croisés sur l'étude des trouvailles monétaires: Bilan et perspectives au début du XXIe siècle : II. Réflexions (Études de numismatique et d'histoire monétaire 7) ed. with H. Derschka & R. Cunz (Lausanne: Les Éditions du Zèbre), 216 pp., 4 pl.
- Die Fundmünzen vom Monte Iato (1971-1991). Ein Beitrag zur Geldgeschichte Westsiziliens (Studia Ietina X), Lausanne, Les Éditions du Zèbre, 2013, 2 vols., xvi + 816 pp., 120 ill., 80 tab., 65 pl.
[Review: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 17 (2014), pp. 1163-1165 (Marco Vitale)]. - (2015) 'Coins and Contacts', in: Anthony Bonanno and Nick Vella (ed.), Tas-Silġ, Marsaxlokk (Malta) I. Archaeological Excavations Conducted by the University of Malta, 1996-2005 (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 48) (Leuven: Peeters): pp. 351-400.
- (2015) 'L’evidenza numismatica relativa alla fase PUN III del saggio I. Campagna di scavo (2005): cronologia, considerazioni sul gruppo stilistico “capigliatura a mo’di spaghetti” e la serie di monete puniche da Pantelleria (2002–2009)', in Thomas Schäfer, Massimo Osanna and Karin Schmidt (ed.): Cossyra I. Ergebnisse der Grabung auf der Akropolis von S. Teresa/Pantelleria (Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen 10) (Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf), pp. 457-463.
(2015) with S. Doswald, 'Objets numismatiques', in: Ch. Gerber, Court, Pâturage de l'Envers. Une verrerie forestière jurassienne du début du 18e siècle, volume 4 (Bern: Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern, Amt für Kultur): pp. 193-229, 356-368 & 445-449. - (2014) 'Coins and their use in the Punic Mediterranean. Case studies from Carthage to Italy (fourth to first century BC)', in: The Punic Mediterranean Identities and Identification from Phoenician Settlement to Roman Rule (British School at Rome Studies) ed. Josephine Quinn & Nicolas Vella (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): pp. 76-110.
- (2014) with M. Nick, 'Münzen. Der keltische Oboltyp «Bern-Enge» und die Beigabepraxis im Gräberfeld von Bern, Reichenbachstrasse', in: Bern, Reichenbachstrasse. Neue Gräber aus dem latènezeitlichen Oppidum auf der Engehalbinsel, ed. P. Jud & S. Ulrich-Bochsler (Bern: Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern, Amt für Kultur): pp. 49-65.
- (2012) 'Die Münzen', in: P. Eggenberger, M. Kehrli, M. Schlup, S. Ulrich-Bochsler, Worb, reformierte Pfarrkirche. Die Ergebnisse der Bauforschungen von 1983 (Schriftenreihe der Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern) (Bern: Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern, Amt für Kultur): pp. 125-128 (Catalogue p. 128 with F. E. Kœnig †): pp. 125-28.
- (2011) With Christian Weiss, Entella. I ritrovamenti monetali antichi e medievali dai SAS 19, 25 e 30 (2007-08), in: Relazioni preliminari degli scavi a Segesta (Calatafimi-Segesta, TP; 2009-10) e Entella (Contessa Entellina, PA; 2007-08), in Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità comunicate dalla Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Rassegna Archeologica del LSATMA (ANSP, supplemento serie 5, 3/2), Pisa, Scuola Npmrale Superiore di Pisa, 2011, 97-104, 162 fig. 88.
- (2010) With Clive Stannard, Les imitations pseudo-Ébusus / Massalia en Italie centrale: typologie et structure, présence dans les collections et dans les trouvailles de France, Revue Numismatique 166, 2010: 109-148.
- Les monnaies. In Daniel Castella, Anne de Pury-Gysel, Le palais de Derrière la Tour à Avenches. Volume 2: Étude des éléments de construction, de décor et du mobilier (Cahiers d’archéologie romande 118 = Aventicum XVII), Lausanne 2010: 351-376.
- Die Fundmünzen. In Pierre Harb – Mirjam Wullschleger, Der römische Gutshof von Langedorf, Kanton Solothurn. Ausgrabungen an der Hüslerhofstrasse 1993, 1994 und 2002 (Antiqua 46), Basle 2010: 122-129.
- A stone mould from Bir Messaouda (Carthage) for bronze coins of the Second Punic War. Preliminary notes. SNR 88, 2009: 185-91.
- Sicilia, in: Michel Amandry – Donal Bateson (ed.), A Survey of Numismatic Research 2002-2007. International Numismatic Commission, Glasgow 2009: 24-31.
- Die Münzen. In Stefanie Martin Kilcher, Regula Schatzmann (ed.), Das römische Heiligtum von Thun-Allmendingen, die Regio Lindensis und die Alpen (Schriften des Bernischen Historischen Museums 9), Berne 2009: 183-200.
- With Sylviane Estiot and a contribution by Eberhard H. Lehmann and Peter Vontobel, Der Schatzfund von Thun 1955. In S. Martin Kilcher – R. Schatzmann (ed.), Das römische Heiligtum von Thun-Allmendingen, die Regio Lindensis und die Alpen (Schriften des Bernischen Historischen Museums 9), Berne 2009: 270-280.
- Die Fundmünzen. In Peter Eggenberger, René Bacher, Jonathan Frey, Susanne Frey-Kupper, Annette Heigold-Stadelmann, Susi Ulrich-Bochsler, Die Kirche von Seeberg, Archäologische Untersuchungen 1999 (Schriftenreihe der Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern), Berne 2009: 205-216.
Professional activities & awards
- 2016 Global Award by the University of Warwick.
- 2015 Board for assessment of grant applications to the Austrian Academy.
- 2014 Henry Gruenthal Lecture and Medal by the New York Numisamtic Club.
- 2014 Visiting Professor at the American Numismatic Society, New York.
- 2014- Council member of the Royal Numismatic Society.
- 2013- Corresponding member of the Oxford Centre for Phoenician and Punic Studies.
- 2013 Festschrift.
- 2012- Scientific Committee of the Istituto Italiano di Numismatica: Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica (Rome).
- 2012- Advisory board of Byrsa. Rivista semestrale di arte, cultura e archeologia del Mediterraneo punico (Bologna).
- 2011- Member of the Advisory board of the Journal of Archaeological Numismatics (Brussels).
- 2010 Referee of the Austrian National Fund.
- 2010- Member of the Advisory board of the series Carthage Studies (Gent, Belgium).
- 2009- Member of the Advisory board of the Numismatische Zeitschrift (Vienna, Austria).
- 2009- Co-editor of the Swiss Numismatic Review.
- 2009- Commitee Member of the Swiss Numismatic Society (SNS).
- 2008 Prix de la Faculté des lettres of the University of Lausanne.
- 2008 Entrusted by the International Numismatic Commission (INC) with the sectionon Sicily, in the Survey of Numismatic Research.
- 2004-2009 SAF-Delegate of NIKE (Nationale Informationsstelle für Kulturgüter-Erhaltung).
- 1985-2009 Swiss Working Group on Coin Finds (SAF/GSETM): Chair of the founding Committee; Committee Member, later Member of the Computer Committee and Chair.
- MA (Zurich)
- PhD (Lausanne)
List of publications Worldcat
List of publications Viaf
Office hours 2024-25
Wednesday 11-1 pm online (except week 2 & 3: Monday 1-3pm) or by appointment: via MS Teams or in person
Undergraduate modules
Encounters with Material Culture: Objects and Archaeology
Postgraduate Modules
Induction & Research in Progress Seminars
Taught MA Ancient Visual & Material Culture
(Numismatics & Ancient Visual and Material Culture)