Emperors, Coins, Frogs and Oracles
‘Emperors, Coins, Frogs and Oracles'
Warwick Classics Network Launch Event, 2nd July 2018
On 2nd July 2018, the Depertment of Classics and Ancient History hosted the launch event for the Warwick Classics Network (WCN), ‘Emperors, Coins, Frogs and Oracles’.
The WCN is a newly created hub, supporting Classics and Classics teaching across Coventry, Warwickshire, and beyond. Our aim is to create a community of Classics teachers and schools across the region, to share resources, and alongside the charity Classics for AllLink opens in a new window and our partner Advocating Classics EducationLink opens in a new window, to introduce the teaching of Classics into schools not currently offering Classics subjects to their pupils.
Organized by Professor Michael Scott (m.c.scott@warwick.ac.uk) and Dr Paul Grigsby (paul.grigsby@warwick.ac.uk), in partnership with Advocating Classics Education (ACE) and the charity Classics for All, the day was attended by almost 200 school-children from across the country and their teachers, alongside staff from some schools interested in developing Classics and Ancient History as part of their curriculum.
Please follow the links to read a full report of the event, to watch videos of the lectures filmed during the day, and to see a detailed schedule of the event.
The event included an introduction from the University Provost, Prof. Christine Ennew, and was followed by lectures for the pupils by Warwick academics Prof. Alison Cooley, Dr Clare Rowan, and Dr Emmanuela Bakola (‘Aristophanes’ Frogs’). Running concurrently with these lectures were specially orchestrated teacher sessions: ‘Supporting Classics’, ‘The Digital Classroom’ - which included a very popular display of VR headsets by Dr Robert O’Toole, the Warwick Academic Technologist; and ‘Introducing Classics’. These sessions were led by Prof. Michael Scott, with the support of Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson (ACE), and Hilary Hodgson (Classics for All).
During lunch, the students themselves were able to experience using the VR headsets, exploring the Athenian acropolis and bringing the Ancient World to life, while for the final session everyone gathered in the Ramphal Lecture Threatre for the entertaining lecture, ‘Delphi: Centre of the Ancient World’ by Prof. Michael Scott.
The day was organised under the aegis of ACE (Advocating Classics Education), and funded with the help of the Warwick Widening Participation Development Fund, and the Warwick Impact Fund (awarded to Prof. Michael Scott). The early organisation of the event undertaken by Dr Paul Grigsby was funded through the charity Classics for All, while stationery for the event was provided by the HRC (Humanities Research Centre), and Widening Participation.