Departmental Blogs

Material Musings
Welcome to Material Musings! This is a new monthly blog which will feature a variety of subject matter related to material culture from the ancient world. It aims to highlight and showcase some aspects of research work done in the Department of Classics and Ancient History and bring these to a wider audience. We hope that you will find the posts interesting, informative and enjoyable!
Jacqui Butler and Matthew Evans
Coins at Warwick
Ancient numismatics is a speciality of ours here at Warwick. Our Coins at Warwick blog features numismatic research from both staff and students. You can find out more about studying numismatics at Warwickhere. Find out more about our current research in numismaticshere.Major projects underway at the moment include Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean, Rome and the Coinages of the Ancient Mediterranean, and Historia Numorum Sicily.
The Stories of Objects Blog
We are delighted to publish here a series of blogs created by students on the module Stories of Objects moduleLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window launched in summer 2021.
If you have any queries about the blog or would like to contribute a future post, please contact the blog's editor, Dr Eris Williams-Reed