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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography lists relevant items for research (books, chapters, articles, etc.) with a brief capsule summary of the contents of each. There is no word limit for this assignment, but your bibliography should list at least five (5) items. You are looking for items that feed into the topic you’d like to address in your comparative essay (due in Week 7) - these could be articles on either one of your two texts, or their historical/philosophical background, or formal aspects shared by both, etc. An example based on a comparison of Lolita and Faust Part I:

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Steven F. Walker, “Nabokov’s Lolita and Goethe’s Faust: The Ghost in the Novel,” Comparative Literature Studies 46.3 (2009): 512-535. Web.

Walker argues that Nabokov’s novel is ‘haunted’ throughout by Goethe’s tragedy, focusing particularly on the parallels between Humbert and Faust and between Lolita and Gretchen. By drawing out the Faustian dimension of Humbert’s quest to abduct and exploit an underage girl, Nabokov adds a layer of “moral seriousness” to what appears on the surface as a dazzlingly playful text. Walker goes on to argue that Nabokov reverses key aspects of Goethe’s drama in order to point up the morally compromised nature of his protagonist.
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Note that the annotated bibliography must use MLA style for works cited. See the following online guides for assistance:

This component of the portfolio won't be marked, but will receive a 'pass' based on correct use of MLA citation style. Note that you are not restricted to the items you submit for your bibliography as the sources you use for your second essay.

Please note: From 2020-21, this assessment will be submitted via Tabula in the usual way.