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Assessments 2023/24

Note published deadlines on the departmental webpage regarding essays. Please follow all departmental guidelines for submission of assessed work, including e-submission procedures on Tabula and the proper format for English essays.

The assessments below fall into two categories: (1) formative, which are not necessarily given a mark but which are required in order to pass the module; and (2) summative, which are marked. The summative assessments (Essays 1 and 2) are to be submitted via Tabula. The formative assessment is to be submitted via email to your seminar tutor.

NOTE: For reasons of breadth of coverage, you're not permitted to write twice on the same text for your assessed work on MWL.

The use of generative AI software is not permitted in any form for these assignments.

Formative Assessment (1000 words):

The formative assessment (1000 words), due in Tuesday, Week 11 of Term 1, is a close reading of a passage from any one of our Term 1 texts. You should address the passage in terms of language, theme and context, situating it in relation to the wider themes and issues raised in the work from which it is drawn. You should draw on at least two secondary sources in making your arguments; these must be correctly cited and referenced in your works cited / bibliography. Further information on this assessment can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

Summative Assessments:

Essay 1: The first summative assignment (2500 words), due in Tuesday, Week 7 of Term 2, is a comparative analysis of two works on the syllabus, engaging with the secondary literature on these works and developing your own argument in relation to it. At least one of these texts must be drawn from the Term 1 syllabus. The essay questions will be available hereLink opens in a new window. You must answer one question from this list (although as noted on the list, you are also free to formulate your own question, but you must discuss this first with, and have your question approved by, your seminar tutor). You must draw on secondary sources in making your argument, At the minimum, we would expect to see 3-4 peer-reviewed scholarly texts cited. Further information on this assignment can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

Essay 2:
The second summative assignment (2500 words), due in Tuesday, Week 3 of Term 3, again involves comparative analysis. This essay asks for an examination of at least two texts, with at least one of these drawn from the syllabus for Terms 2 and 3. For your other text(s), you are permitted to draw on texts from outside the syllabus if you so wish. The essay questions will be available hereLink opens in a new window. You must answer one question from this list (although as noted on the list, you are also free to formulate your own question, but you must discuss this first with, and have your question approved by, your seminar tutor). You must draw on secondary sources in making your argument, At the minimum, we would expect to see 3-4 peer-reviewed scholarly texts cited. Further information on this assignment can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

EN2J7/EN3J7 Honours-level Students

Full-year honours-level students write 2 x 3,500-word essays (EN2J7 Level 5) or 2 x 4,000-word essays (EN3J7 Level 6), again using either existing assignments or topics of your own choosing, in consultation with your tutor. The deadline for Essay 1 is Week 7 of Term 2; the deadline for Essay 2 is Week 3 of Term 3.

Visiting Students

If you are here for the full year, you can select whether to register for EN123 and be assessed by the first year assessment pattern (2 x 2500 word essay, as above), or to register for EN2J7 or EN3J7 and be assessed as above.

If you are here for 1 or 2 terms only, you will write a 2,000-word essay for each term you are here, based either on existing essay assignments or, if you wish, on a topic of your own choosing (consult with your tutor beforehand); these essays are due in Week 12 of Terms 1 or 2 and Week 7 of Term 3.

Essay Questions:

Visiting StudentsLink opens in a new window, 2000-word essay questions, due Week 12, term 1 (for visiting students who are here for 1 or 2 terms only)

Visiting StudentsLink opens in a new window, 2000-word essay questions, due Week 12, term 2 (for visiting students who are here for 1 or 2 terms only)

Visiting StudentsLink opens in a new window, 2000-word essay questions, due Week 7, term 3 (for visiting students who are here for 1 or 2 terms only)

First Assessed Essay QuestionsLink opens in a new window
Due Tuesday, week 7, Term 2.

Second Assessed Essay QuestionsLink opens in a new window
Due Tuesday, week 3, Term 3