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Digital Resources for the European Novel

On this page you will find a list of online resources that may be useful in researching your essays. Please note that this is far from exhaustive. It is divided in two parts.

At the top (part 1) is a list of (mostly) videos offering contextual materials and lectures.

Further down (part 2), a list of secondary sources, both journal articles as well as books, all available in digital form through the library. For the primary readings, please see the list provided in ASPIRE, with links to e-books accessible via the library.

For books, most of the links below will take you to the Library catalogue page so you can log in. For journal articles, please log in through the library.


The European Novel

Reading the Modern European Novel Since 1900’ book talk by Daniel Schwarz. Cornell University

Goethe. ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’

Belinda Jack. ‘Modern Reading in an Historical Context’ (after 35’ refers to Goethe’s novel)

Austen. ‘Emma’

Mary Jean Corbett. ‘Emma at 200: Virginia Woolf Reads Jane Austen’. New School

Cornel West. ‘Reflections on Austen’. The Morgan Library & Museum

Kathryn Sutherland. ‘Jane Austen: The novel and social realism’. British Library

Kathryn Sunderland. ‘Jane Austen's manuscripts’. British Library

Flaubert. ‘Madame Bovary’

Madame Bovary’. In Our Time. Channel 4 (audio)

Arnold Wainstein. ‘Madame Bovary, Part 1

Dostoevsky. ‘Crime and Punishment’

Rowan Williams. ‘On Dostoevsky

Tolstoy. ‘Anna Karenina’

Rosamund Bartlett. ‘Tolstoy's Depiction of Women in "Anna Karenina"

Rosamund Bartlett. ‘On Modernity and the meaning of life in "Anna Karenina"'

Rosamund Bartlett. ‘Why is Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" still so popular today?

Zola. ‘Germinal’

Michael Rosen. ‘The disappearance of Zola’. 5X15

Geneviève de Viveiros. ‘Who was Zola?'. EZolaproject

Kafka. ‘The Trial’

Judith Butler. ‘Who owns Kafka?’. London Review of Books

Kafka's "The Trial"'. In Our Time (audio)

George Steiner. ‘Franz Kafka's "The Trial".' Great Writers Series (lecture proper starts after excerpt from film at about 7’ 28”)

Lampedusa. ‘The Leopard’

Denis Kitzinger. ‘Lampedusa's "The Leopard"

Giussepe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896-1957)

Assia Djebar. ‘Algerian White’

In Memoriam: Assia Djebar’. Duke University.

Seamus Deane. ‘Reading in the Dark’

Joe Cleary. ‘Introduction to Seamus Deane’. Seamus Dean Lecture Series. Notre Dame University

 Sebald. ‘Austerlitz’

Roundtable on Sebald with Mark Anderson, Daniel Kehlman, Judith Ryan. The Graduate Center, CUNY

'W. G. Sebald and 'Austerlitz’. Bookworm Interview with Sebald and Michael Silverblatt. KCRW, Santa Monica. 6 December 2001

Austerlitz’: Source Photographic Review. Dir. Richard West

Part 2.

Basic Reading List of Secondary Sources

  1. General

Erich Auerbach, Mimesis (1946)

Mikhail Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination (1981)

- Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (1984)

George Becker, ed., Documents of Modern Literary Realism (1963)

Michael Bell, ed., The Cambridge Companion to European Novelists (2012)

Eric Bulson, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Novel (2018)

Mary Jean Corbett. Family Likeness: Sex, Marriage, and Incest from Jane Austen to Virginia Woolf. Cornell UP, 2008.

Nicholas Dames. “Theories of the Novel.” The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century. Ed. M. A. R. Habib. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 506-523.

Margaret Anne Doody, The True Story of the Novel (1996)

Lillian R. Furst, All is true : the claims and strategies of realist fiction (1995)

Andrew Hammond, ed., The Novel and Europe (2016)

John Kucich and Jenny Bourne Taylor, eds., The Nineteenth-Century Novel 1820- 1880 (2012)

John Richetti, ed., The Cambridge companion to the eighteenth-century novel (1996)

Martin Wagner, The Narratology of Observation: Studies in a Technique of European Literary Realism (2018)

2. Nation

Victorian/English Novel

Amanda Anderson, Tainted Souls and Painted Faces: The Rhetoric of Falleness in Victorian Culture (1993)

Deirdre David, ed., The Cambridge companion to the Victorian novel (2001)

Terry Eagleton, The English Novel: an introduction (2005)

Patricia Ingham, The language of gender and class: transformation in the Victorian novel (1996)

Francis O'Gorman, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel (2010)

French Literature: General

David F. Bell, Real time: accelerating narrative from Balzac to Zola (2004)

David Coward, A history of French literature : from Chanson de geste to the cinema (2002)

Brian Nelson, ed., The Cambridge Introduction to French Literature (2015)

John D. Lyons, ed. The Cambridge Companion to French Literature (2015)

Sandy Petrey, Realism and revolution : Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, and the performances of history (1988)

Timothy Unwin, The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel: from 1800 to the present (1997)

German Literature: General

Henry B. Garland, Mary Garland, eds. The Oxford companion to German literature (1986)

David Hill, ed., Literature of the Sturm und Drang (2003)

Dennis Mahoney, ed., The Literature of German Romanticism (2003)

Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly, ed., The Cambridge History of German Literature (2000)

Russian Literature: General

Neil Cornwell, ed., The Routledge companion to Russian literature (2001)

Richard Freeborn, The Russian revolutionary novel : Turgenev to Pasternak (1982)

John Garrard, The Russian novel from Pushkin to Pasternak (1983)

Malcolm V. Jones and Robin Feuer Miller, eds., The Cambridge companion to the classic Russian novel (1998)

A. Moser, The Cambridge History of Russian Literature (1989)

3. Individual authors/texts

Some of these works are relevant to more than one of the set texts. Where this is the case, they are listed the first time they are likely to be useful. There are of course many other general and specific studies on authors, genres, and periods, which you can track down.

Goethe and Werther

John Mullan, Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century (1988)

Lesley Sharpe, ed., The Cambridge companion to Goethe (2002)

Martin Swales, Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther (Landmarks in World Literature) (1987)

Flaubert and Madame Bovary

Victor Brombert, The Novels of Flaubert (1966)

Jonathan Culler, Flaubert: the Uses of Uncertainty (1974)

Mary Orr, Flaubert : writing the masculine (2000)

Laurence Porter, A Gustave Flaubert Encyclopedia (2001)


Jane Austen and Emma

Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen (1997)

Claudia L. Johnson and Clara Tuite, eds. A Companion to Jane Austen (2009)

Suzanne Juhasz. “Reading Austen Writing Emma”. Persuasions 21.1 (2000)

Dostoevsky and Crime and Punishment

Donald Fanger, Dostoevsky and romantic realism : a study of Dostoevsky in relation to Balzac, Dickens, and Gogol (1998)

Joseph Frank, Marina Brodskya, Marguerite Frank. Lectures on Dostoevsky (2019)

Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time (2009)

Deborah A. Martinsen and Olga Maiorova. Dostoevsky in Context (2016)

Tolstoy and Anna Karenina

Anthony Thorlby, Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina (Landmarks in World Literature) (1987)

Zola and Germinal

David Baguley. “Germinal: the gathering storm”. The Cambridge Companion to Zola. Ed. Brian Nelson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 137-151. Chapter DOI:

Eduardo A. Febles, Explosive Narratives: Terrorism and Anarchy in the Works of Emile Zola (2010)

Brian Nelson, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Zola (2007)

Philip Walker, Germinal and Zola's philosophical and religious thought (1984)


Franz Kafka and The Trial

Julian Preece, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Kafka (2002)

Stanley Corngold. Lambent Traces: Franz Kafka (2006)

Carolin Duttlinger, ed., Kafka in Context (2018)

Carolin Duttlinger, ed., The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka (2013)


Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and The Leopard

Peter Bondanella and Andrea Ciccarelli, eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel (2003) (Ch9 on Lampedusa).

Richard H.Lansing, The Structure of Meaning in Lampedusa’s Il Gattopardo, PMLA 93:3, 1978 (409-422)

Nelson Moe, The View from Vesuvius (2002)

Richard O'Mara, 'The Leopard Reconsidered' in Sewanee Review, Vol 116, Number 4, Fall 2008, pp. 637-644

- The Modern Italian Novel from Capuana to Tozzi (1973)

Olga Ragusa, 'Stendhal, Tomasi di Lampedusa, and the Novel', Comparative Literature Studies 3 (1973)

Eduardo Saccone, ‘Nobility and Literature: Questions on Tomasi di Lampedusa, MLN 106 (1991), 159-178

Assia Djebar and Algerian White

Priscilla Ringrose. Assia Djebar In Dialogue with Feminisms (2006)

Lídia Jorge, The Murmuring Coast

Lídia Jorge: In Other Words. Special Issue of Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 2, 1999.

Sousa, Ronald W. 'The Critique of History in Lídia Jorge's A Costa dos Murmúrios, or Helen of Beira Meets Luís of Troy'. Cincinnati Review 16 (1997): 135-143.

Kaufman, Helena. 'Reclaiming the Margins of History in Lídia Jorge's A Costa dos Murmúrios'. Luso-Brazilian Review 29.1 (1992): 41-49.

Faulkner, Sally and Ana Martins. 'Intermedial Dialogue in A Costa dos Murmúrios / The Murmuring Coast (Lídia Jorge 1988 / Margarida Cardoso, 2004): Novel, Photography, Film'. Journal of Romance Studies 16.2 (2016): 36-57.

Medeiros, Paulo de. 'Hauntings: Memory, Fiction, and the Portuguese Colonial Wars'. In Commemorating War: The Politics of Memory. Eds. Timothy G. Ashplant, Graham Dawson, Michael Roper. London: Routledge, 2000, 201-221.

Medeiros, Paulo de. 'Haunted Houses'. Journal x: A Journal in Culture and Criticism 6.2 (2002): 163-176.

Soares, Anthony. "The Violent Maintenance of the Portuguese Colonial Identity and the Search for a Postcolonial One: Literary Images of Portugal as a Colonial and Postcolonial Nation". Ellipsis: Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association. 4 (2006): 79-97. Also accessible at

W. G. Sebald and Austerlitz

Anne Whitehead, Trauma Fiction (2004)

Cosgrove, Mary. 'W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz'. In Stuart Taberner, ed. The Novel in German since 1990 (2011), 195-210.

J. Long. W. G. Sebald: Image Archive Modernity (2012)

Seamus Deane and Reading in the Dark

Maurice Fitzpatrick and Seamus Deane, 'An Interview with Seamus Deane'. Journal of Irish Studies, Vol. 22 (2007), pp. 84-92.

Troubles Archive