If the 'self-employed' worker is actually just an 'intellectual proletarian' as Lazzarato states (p.136) then does it become the case that the lines between capitalist and worker have become blurred?

'Once the priviliged domain of the bourgeoisie and its children, the activities [immaterial lablour] have since the end of the 1970's become the domain of what we have come to define as "mass intellectuality".(p.132/133) Is Lazzarato saying here that the sphere of work has become more democratic and meritocratic?

‘What modern management techniques are looking for is for “the worker’s soul to become part of the factory.”’(p.133) This sounds like it could have been something Marx would have written. How does Lazzarato’s quote differentiate from Marx?

With regards to the consumer having a double productive function (p.144) could it be argued that one of these two roles holds much more weight than the other?