Draft Conference Program
Saturday 28 October
10:00-11:00 Arrival, Registration, Tea/Coffee
11:00 Welcome (Lecture Theatre)
11:15-12:45 Plenary: Judith Stanton, Independent Scholar (Chair: Loraine Fletcher)
"Like a slave to her oars”: old letters, new letters, lost letters
1:00-2:00 Lunch (Restaurant)
2:15-3:45 Panels
A: Poetry, Life, and Death
- Katherine Singer (Univ. of Maryland), The Elegiac Sonnets and the Impossibility of Taste
- Kerri Andrews (Univ. of Leeds), ‘Herself […] fills the foreground’: Negotiating Autobiography in Elegiac Sonnets and The Emigrants
- Brent Raycroft, The Deaths of Charlotte Smith
- D.L. Macdonald (Univ. of Calgary), The Greatest Romantic Lyric
- Amy Garnai (Tel Aviv Univ.), Charlotte Smith and the Alien Act
- Fiona Price (Univ. of Chicester), Romantic Tales and Political Comparison
3:45-4:15 Tea/Coffee
4:15-5:45 Panels
A: Genres
- Essaka Joshua (Univ. of Birmingham), Desmond and the Radical-Conservative Debate
- Michael Gamer (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Smith’s Genealogies
- Harriet Guest (Univ. Of York), Charlotte Smith and Mary Robinson in 1793
- Mark Fulk (Buffalo State College), Theatrical Suffering
- A.A. Markley (Penn State), Charlotte Smith and William Godwin: The Fruits of a Literary Friendship
- Barbara Tarling (Open Univ.), 'The Slight Skirmishing of a Novel Writer’: Charlotte Smith and the American War of Independence
6:15-7:30 Dinner (Restaurant)
7:30-8:00 Wine reception and launch of Set Two (vols. 6-10) of The Works of Charlotte Smith (sponsored by Pickering and Chatto)
8:00 What is She? (Lecture Theatre)
Sunday 29 October
8:15-9:15 Breakfast (Restaurant)
9:30-11:00 Panels
A: The Translator Translated
- Kate Astbury (Univ. of Warwick), Revolutionary Translations
- Gillian Dow (Univ. of Southampton), The Prose Translator
- Angela Wright (Univ. of Sheffield), Receiving Smith's Translations during the Romantic Period
- Dahlia Porter (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Re-Forming the Collection in Conversations Introducing Poetry
- Elizabeth Dolan (Lehigh Univ.), Rural Walks as Fictional Ethnography
- Jennie Batchelor (Univ. of Kent), Woman’s Work: Manual, Intellectual, and Affective Labour in Marchmont
11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee
11:30-1:00 Plenary: Stuart Curran (Univ. of Pennsylvania) (Lecture Theatre) (Chair: Jacqueline Labbe)
1:00-2:00 Lunch (Restaurant) Anna Birch will be available to talk about directing What is She?
2:00-3:00 Panels
A: The Old Manor House
- Jacqueline Labbe (Univ. of Warwick), Narrating Seduction: The Old Manor House, Celestina, and Austen
- Callie Hornbuckle (Univ. of South Carolina), Gothic Inversions and the Aesthetics of Sympathy
B: What is She?
- Diego Saglia (Universitá di Parma), The Ideological Comedy of Curiosity
- Susan Croft, Comedies in Embryo: Charlotte Smith, Jane Marshall and the Perils of Performance