Romantic Conflict, 2003
Romantic Conflict (24-27 July 2003)
The overall aim of the conference is to investigate sites of social, political and interpersonal conflict and their relationship to Romantic writing. Conflict may be taken literally (i.e. Revolution, war, rebellion, treason?) or figuratively (i.e. the clash of genres, the battle of the sexes, the dissolution of friendships?).
Proposals for papers of 20 minutes are invited on these and related topics. We are also interested in proposals for special sessions. Please submit sessiontitles and abstracts for potential participants by the deadline.Please either send in an abstract of 300 words to Jacqueline Labbe, BARS 2003, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK;, or submit an abstract online. Deadline for abstracts: 15 October 2002