Teaching Writing in Higher Education, 2001
Teaching Writing in Higher Education (26-27 March 2001)
Writing of all kinds, from science reports to creative writing, is increasingly being taught as a distinct subject at British universities. A significant issue in this emerging field is the role that creative approaches can play in the teaching of academic writing. The Warwick Writing Programme's two-day conference aims to take stock of recent debates and current practice in the UK and other countries.
'First I write one sentence: then I write another. That's how I write.
50 talks by teachers, researchers and writers on topics including: creative writing as an academic subject since 1890 standards and political pressures can IT help? teaching writing to students of law, art, psychology... creativity and 'research' do US methods travel? making sense of error the Royal Literary Fund Fellowship scheme and other initiatives Blake Morrison and Hilary Spurling: do the conventions matter? Carolyn Steedman: writing and the definition of the self Andrea Lunsford, Roz Ivanic and Mary R. Lea: teaching expository writing--a transatlantic exchange Andrew Motion: what is 'creative writing'? Stefan Collini: beyond 'skills': writing in the Humanities Alternatively contact: |