PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF LOCATION: The conference will now take place in the Warwick Business School building on Scarman Road, room B0.01. Maps of campus and directions to the University by car, train and bus are available here: Visiting the University
09.15-09.50 Registration and coffee
09.50-10.00 Welcome and opening address
10.00-11.15 Keynote Address
Professor Justin Rosenberg (The University of Sussex): 'Uneven and Combined Development: integrating 'the international' into social theory'.
11.30-12.45 Theoretical Foundations
Dr Kamran Matin (The University of Sussex): 'Supplanting Eurocentrism: Uneven and Combined Development and Iranian Modernity'.
Professor Neil Lazarus (The University of Warwick): 'Combined and Uneven Development: Towards a New Theory of World-Literature'.
Chair: Dr Ben Richardson (Department of Politics and International Studies)
12.45-1.45 Lunch
1.45-3.00 Cultural Manifestations I
Dr Stephen Ross (The University of Warwick): "Nature is Bad Art': Translocal Pathos in Prynne and Lerner'.
Dominic Davies (The University of Oxford): 'Infrastructural Reading: Cross-National Capitalism in British South Africa and the Case of Buchan's Prester John (1910)'.
Chair: Dr James Christie (Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies)
3.00-3.15 Coffee
3.15-4.30 Cultural Manifestations II
Rhiannon Harries (The University of Cambridge): "And how will the Welsh live?' Uneven and combined temporalities, globalisation and the politics of the local in Gideon Koppel's sleep furiously'.
Jacob Stewart-Halevy (Yale University): 'Is Uneven Development a Southern Question?: On the conflation of Pre- and Postmodernity in Italian Radical Design Practice'.
Chair: Dr Nesrin Degirmencioglu (Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies)
4.30-4.45 Coffee
4.45-6.00 Keynote Address
Neil Davidson (The University of Glasgow): 'Uneven and Combined Development as a Universal Aspect of Capitalist Modernity'.
Chair: Dr Nick Lawrence (Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies)
6.00-7.30 Wine Reception
This programme is provisional and may be subject to alterations.