Conference Schedule
Reading and Writing Recipe Books: 1600-1800
Friday, 8 August
9:30-10:30: Registration and Tea/Coffee in Social Studies Building Foyer
10:30-10:45: Welcome from Organisers in Social Studies Room 0.21
(NB: All panels and keynotes will take place in this room.)
Michelle DiMeo (University of Warwick) and Sara Pennell (Roehampton University)
10:45-11:30: Keynote: Janet Theophano (University of Pennsylvania) :
Talking with Texts: A Folklorist’s Encounter with Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks
NB: Janet Theophano will no longer be attending the conference, but her paper will be read by Sara Pennell.
11:35-1:05: Panel 1: New Approaches to Reading Recipe Books
Chair: Sara Pennell (Roehampton University)
Annie Gray (University of York) : ‘A Practical Art’: Material Culture and Cookbooks, an Archaeological Perspective
Llio Teleri Lloyd-Jones (Independent Scholar) : The Order of Things: Knowledge and the Culinary Text
Stephanie R. Maroney (Arizona State University) : Constructing Curry: England’s Colonial Encounters in Eighteenth-Century Cookbooks
1:05-2:00: Lunch in Rootes Building
2:00-3:00: Keynote: Margaret Ezell (Texas A&M University) :
1675: Cooking the Books
3:00-3:30: Coffee Break in Social Studies Foyer
3:30-5:00: Panel 2: Early Modern Women and Recipe Books
Chair: Elizabeth Clarke (University of Warwick)
Jayne Archer (Aberystwyth University) : The Quintessence of Wit: Poems and Receipts in Early Modern Women’s Writing
Rebecca Laroche (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs) : Selections from Gerard: Women’s Remedy Books and the Question of Audience
Sara Mueller (Wilfred Laurier University) : Banquet and Anti-Banquet: The Witches of Lancashire and Women’s Banqueting Practice
5:00-5:45: Cocktail Reception in Social Studies Foyer
5:45-6:30: Roundtable with Publishers: Editing Recipe Books for Modern Audiences
(in Social Studies Foyer)
8:00: Conference Dinner in Sutherland Suite (located on first floor of Rootes building)
Saturday, 9 August
9:30-10:30: Keynote : Mary Fissell (Johns Hopkins University) :
To See the World in a Grain of Sand...or A Single Recipe
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break in Social Studies Foyer
11:00-12:30: Panel 3 : Medicine and Society
Chair: Elaine Leong (University of Warwick)
Lesley Coates (Independent Scholar) : Medical and Cultural Representations of Healing in English Recipe Books of the Eighteenth Century
Anne Stobart (Middlesex University) : ‘Lett her refrain from all hott spices’: Advice on Diet and Remedies in the Treatment of the King’s Evil in Early Modern South West England
Alun Withey (Swansea University) : Cymru Collections: The Importance of Domestic Remedy Collections as Sources for Welsh Medical History
12:30-1:20: Lunch in Rootes Building
1:20-2:20: Keynote : Gilly Lehmann (formerly of Université de Franche-Comté) :
Reading and Analysing Recipe Books in 2008: Approaches, Methods, Problems
2:30-4:00: Panel 4 : Reading Culture in Cookery Books
Chair: Rebecca Earle (University of Warwick)
Kate Heckmann Hanson (University of Southern California) : Visualizing Early Modern Italian Culinary Culture
Raelene M. Inglis (Otago University) : From Pickle Lila to Peccadillo: Tracking the Spread of Piccalilli
Lauren F. Winner (Duke Divinity School) : Elizabeth Washington’s Fish Sauce: Cookbooks as a Key to Lived Religion in Eighteenth-Century Virginia
4:00-4:30: Coffee Break in Social Studies Foyer
4:30-6:00: Panel 5: Tracking Genre Changes
Chair: Michelle DiMeo (University of Warwick)
Julia Abramson (University of Oklahoma) : Carving in Print, 1600-1800
Francisco Alonso-Almeida (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) : Genre Changes in Recipes from 1500-1700: A Corpus-Based Study
Amanda E. Herbert (The Johns Hopkins University) : ‘I wish Mrs. Wolley would put forth some new experiments’: Printed Recipe Books and the Authoritative Female Voice, 1640-1714
6:00: Closing Remarks by Organisers