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Professor Catherine Bates

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Research Professor




Catherine Bates is now Research Professor in the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. Click here for further information.

She was Junior Research Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford, and Fellow and Director of Studies in English at Peterhouse, Cambridge before moving to Warwick as a Research Fellow in 1995. She was appointed Senior Lecturer in 2001, Reader in 2004, and Professor in 2009. She served as Head of Department from 2009 to 2014. For academic year 2014/15 she held a Solmsen Fellowship at the Institute for Research in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and for 2016/17 she held a Mellon Fellowship at the Huntington Library. For academic year 2018/19 she is Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of English Studies in the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

Research interests

Literature and culture of the Renaissance period, especially courtly poetry of the sixteenth-century.


Selected publications

For a full list of publications, click here


  • BA; DPhil (Oxford)
  • JRF (Balliol College, Oxford)
  • Fellow and Director of Studies in English (Peterhouse, Cambridge)