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Current Projects

Challenges for World-Literature

This project follows on previous work on World-Literature and Resistance and aims at discussing current challenges to the notion of World-Literature understood as part of a socio-political totality in an epoch of multiple systemic crisis. Special focus on questions of war, race, and the environment.

Postimperial Europe

This project follows on my work on postcolnial literature and film and aims at conceptualizing possible ideas of Europe from a postcolonial perspective.


Pessoa PluralLink opens in a new window

This interdisciplinary peer-reviewed electronic journal is co-edited by Onésimo Almeida (Brown University), Jerónimo Pizarro (Universidade de los Andes) and Paulo de Medeiros (Warwick):

Memoirs: Children of Empires and Postmemories Link opens in a new window

(This project has now closed, though some publication work is still ongoing)

MEMOIRS is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (no. 648624) and is hosted at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra.

MEMOIRS focuses on the intergenerational memories of the children and grandchildren of those involved in and affected by the decolonization processes in France’s, Portugal’s and Belgium’s colonies in Africa – Congo, Algeria, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe. Through interviews and comparative analysis of the cultures influenced by the postmemory of colonial wars and the end of empires, we interrogate Europe's postcolonial heritage. At the heart of the project is a desire to understand the challenge of living in postcolonial Europe, a multicultural society marked by strong, although often latent, residues of apparently forgotten empires.