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Dr Jonathan Skinner


Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 3346
Email: J dot E dot Skinner at warwick dot ac dot uk

Office: FAB 5.12/ Online (through Microsoft Teams)

Humanities Building, University of Warwick


Dr Jonathan Skinner is Reader in English and Comparative Literary Studies and teaches Ecocriticism and Creative Writing. His interests include Contemporary Poetry and Poetics; Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies; Small Press Culture; Sound Studies; Critical Theory; and Translation. He is founder and editor of ecopoetics, a journal which features creative-critical intersections between writing and ecology.

Research interests

My main interests are ecopoetics and contemporary poetry and poetics (mostly North American, but with an international scope and emphasis). I have published critical essays on Charles Olson, Michael McClure, Ronald Johnson, Lorine Niedecker, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, and Bernadette Mayer, translations of French poetry and garden theory, essays on bird song from the perspective of ethnopoetics, and essays on horizontal concepts such as the Third Landscape. Currently, I am writing a book of investigative poems on the urban landscapes of Frederick Law Olmsted, editing an anthology of ecopoetics for a university press, and pursuing a creative-critical project in acoustic ecology, called Vibrational Communication.

Teaching and supervision

My modules include (or have included):

Current PhD supervision:

Tom Crompton, “Vernacular Tactics: Post-Industrial Ecologies and Experimental Poetries”
September 2019 -
Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship

Sam Weselowski: “The Poetics of Scale: Form, Ecology and Critique”
September 2019 -
Chancellor's International Scholarship
(Co-supervision with Dr Myka Tucker-Abramson and Dr Nick Lawrence)

Nicola Hamer, "Beyond Elegy: Confronting Grief in Contemporary Ecopoetry"
September 2021 -
AHRC M4C Doctoral Training Partnership
(Co-supervision with Dr Fabienne Viala)

Lizzie Smith, "The 'Environmental Uncanny': Unsettling the Multispecies Encounter in Contemporary Environmental Poetry"
September 2021 -
AHRC M4C Doctoral Training Partnership
(Co-supervision with Dr Nick Lawrence)

Joe Bedford, "Green, Pleasant and Ours: Challenging ‘Far-right Ecologism’ through Contemporary Environmental Fiction"
September 2021 -
AHRC M4C Doctoral Training Partnership
(Co-supervision with Dr Jonathan Taylor and Dr Bernhard Forchtner, University of Leicester)

Helena Hunter, "Algae Ecologies: Scale, Temporality and Modes of Address in Contemporary Anthropocene Poetry."
September 2022 -
AHRC M4C Doctoral Training Partnership
(Co-supervision with Dr Sarah Jackson, Dr Philip Leonard, and Dr Sally Little)

I have supervised MA dissertations in modernist poetry and ecocriticism, as well as Long Projects in Poetry (Creative Writing) with the Warwick Writing Program.

I welcome supervisions in the areas listed under my research interests.

Selected publications

Essays and Book Chapters