Dr Gemma Goodman
Dr Gemma Goodman
Email: Gemma dot Goodman at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
I am a Teaching Fellow in nineteenth and twentieth century literature. I now teach in the department where I studied for my BA, MA and PhD. I am from Cornwall and my research focuses on literature written by Cornish writers or which constructs versions of Cornwall within its pages.
I am involved in public engagement work alongside my research and teaching. I recently co-organised (with Luke Thompson of the University of Exeter) the first conference on the Cornish writer Jack Clemo which had a number of associated public engagement events. I have recently served as a member of the academic reference group of the Warwick Commission on the Future of Cultural Value. With Dr Rachel Moseley (Film and TV), I ran a strand of investigation for the commission on the funding of cultural production in Cornwall. I am also a member of the Warwick Public Engagement Network.
Research Interests
My research interests include the construction of place (particularly Cornwall) in literature, regionality, nationhood, gender and space/place and feminist geographies (particularly in relation to rural contexts), embodiment and landscape.
Following the completion of current research projects (details below) I intend to write a monograph on the writer Daphne du Maurier.
Current Projects- Mongraph based on PhD thesis - Alternative Cornwalls: Constructing Place in Literature.
- With Luke Thompson, ed. Jack Clemo: Studies of a Rebel (proposal under consideration at University of Exeter Press).
- With Rachel Moseley, ed. Regionalism and Representation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (proposal under consideration for the Warwick Series in the Humanities).
Selected Publications
- 'Women at Sea: Locating and Escaping Gender on the Cornish Coast in The Loving Spirit and Frenchman's Creek'. Sea Narratives: Cultural Responses to the Sea, 1600-Present. Ed. by Charlotte Mathieson. To be published by Palgrave, 2016.
- With Rachel Moseley. 'Why Academics are Interested in the Male Body in Poldark and Outlander.' The Conversation, June 2015. https://theconversation.com/why-academics-are-interested-in-the-male-body-in-poldark-and-outlander-42518
- With Charlotte Mathieson, ed. Gender and Space in Rural Britain, 1840-1920. Pickering and Chatto, 2014.
- 'At Work and at Play: Charles Lee's Cynthia in the West.' Published in the edited collection above.
- 'Rural Geographies: The Figure in the Landscape in Literature of Cornwall.' Cornish Studies: Twenty. Ed. by Philip Payton. University of Exeter Press, 2012.
- 'Seeing the Clay Country: The Novels of Jack Clemo.' Cornish Studies: Seventeen. Ed. by Philip Payton. University of Exeter Press, 2009.
- 'The Literary Anthropology of Mrs Havelock Ellis: An Exploration of the Insider and Outside Categories.' Cornish Studies: Fourteen. Ed. by Philip Payton. University of Exeter Press, 2006.
- Salome Hocking: A Cornish Woman Writer. Hypatia, 2004.
Teaching and Supervision
I currently teach on the core first year module EN122 Modes of Reading and the honours level module EN245 The English Nineteenth Century Novel.
In previous years I have taught on the undergraduate module EN123 Literature in the Modern World (now Modern World Literatures), and the postgraduate module Sexual Geographies: Gender and Place in British Fiction, 1840-1940. I have also delivered academic writing seminars to other departments for The Warwick Writing Programme.
During the 2014-2015 academic year I supervised an undergraduate dissertation on scarring and blushing in the Victorian novel and an MA dissertation on Angela Carter and myth.
Office Hours
I won't be holding regular office hours in term 3, please just email me and we can arrange a suitable time to meet.
Teaching 2015-2016
Undergraduate Modules