Dr Emrah Atasoy
Emrah Atasoy, Associate Fellow & Honorary Research Fellow
English and Comparative Literary Studies & Institute of Advanced Study (IAS)
Email: Emrah.Atasoy@warwick.ac.uk
University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
I am an Associate Fellow of English and Comparative Literary Studies (October 2024,-) and an Honorary Research Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study (October 2024, -) at the University of Warwick. I was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (EUTOPIA-SIF COFUND) of the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS)Link opens in a new window and the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies (Host: Dr Nick LawrenceLink opens in a new window) at Warwick. As part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, I conducted interdisciplinary research at Harvard University (Host: Prof James EngellLink opens in a new window, Dept. of English), Cambridge, MA, US between February 2024 and May 2024 and Pompeu Fabra University (Host: Dr Maria Antonia Oliver RotgerLink opens in a new window, Dept. of Humanities), Barcelona, Spain between September 2023 and November 2023. Prior to starting at Warwick, I spent an academic year at the University of Oxford’s Faculty of English Language and LiteratureLink opens in a new window as a visiting postdoctoral researcher. I completed a BA and PhD (Joint) in English Language and Literature at Hacettepe University (PhD Supervisor: Prof Hande SeberLink opens in a new window), Ankara, Türkiye. As part of my PhD, I was a visiting scholar at Penn State UniversityLink opens in a new window's Department of English & Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies under the supervision of Prof Jennifer Wagner-LawlorLink opens in a new window between August 2015 – August 2016. Previously, I taught at Hacettepe University (Research Assistant), Türkiye and Cappadocia University (Assistant Professor), Türkiye. I was granted the official title "Associate Professor of English Language and Literature" by the Inter-University Board of the Republic of Türkiye, the Council of Higher Education on the 5th of April 2022. I completed the Digital Humanities Certification Programme (October 2023) and Climate Literacy Training (October 2024) at the University of Warwick. I am currently attending the Oxford School of Climate Change course (8-week course, January-March 2025) offered by the University of Oxford. I am a member of ASLE-UKI: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (UK and Ireland)Link opens in a new window, the Environmental Humanities NetworkLink opens in a new window at Warwick, BALEAP- British Association of Lectures in English for Academic PurposesLink opens in a new window (2024-), Utopian Studies Society, EuropeLink opens in a new window (2017-), the Association for Medical HumanitiesLink opens in a new window-AMH, and ESSE: The European Society for the Study of EnglishLink opens in a new window (2022-). I serve as the utopian/dystopian studies, speculative fiction, and science fiction section editor for The Literary EncyclopediaLink opens in a new window. I am an Advance HE fellow (FHEA).
My work appeared in journals such as Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction (with Marta KomstaLink opens in a new window), Studies in the Novel (with Thomas HoranLink opens in a new window), Utopian Studies, Science Fiction Studies, Librosdelacorte.es, Literary Voice, Methis. Studia Humaniora Estonica, SFRA Review, Nesir (with Burcu Kayışcı AkkoyunLink opens in a new window), and Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. I published my monograph Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical DystopiaLink opens in a new window (Nobel) in 2021. I also contributed chapters to The Postworld In-Between Utopia and Dystopia: Intersectional, Feminist, and Non-Binary Approaches in 21st-Century Speculative Literature and CultureLink opens in a new window (Routledge, 2021) and Speculations of War: Essays on Conflict in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopian LiteratureLink opens in a new window (McFarland, 2021). I co-edited the interdisciplinary collection Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled FuturitiesLink opens in a new window (Routledge Environmental Humanities Series July 2024, fully open accessLink opens in a new window) and the critical forum "Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the Mediterranean," Utopian Studies 35.1. 2024.
I was the Principal Investigator of the project entitled Futuristic Narratives in Turkish Literature: 1950-2021: Speculation in the Anthropocene at Warwick. This project discussed Turkish futuristic narratives and speculation in the Anthropocene, covering the period between 1950 and 2021. This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945380.
Research interests
Futuristic narratives, dystopia, utopia, world-building, environmental humanities, digital humanities, medical humanities, public humanities, speculative fiction, science fiction, Anthropocene studies, climate fiction, posthumanism, pandemic fiction, apocalyptic fiction, world literature, comparative literature, and contemporary Anglophone and Turkish literature, media, and culture, translation studies, interdisciplinary research
My postgraduate research supervisions include the following:
Amy Alden (MA, completed October 2023), “The Conspiracy Theories in this Video are for Entertainment Purposes Only”: Conspiracy Theory Narratives as Popular Entertainment on YouTube.
Selected publications
- Atasoy, Emrah. Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical DystopiaLink opens in a new window. Ankara: Nobel, 2021. ISBN: 978-625-7589-04-8. 176 pp. (Hinchcliffe, Jade. Review of Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical DystopiaLink opens in a new window. SFRA Review, vol. 53, no. 2, 2023, pp. 62-63 / Curtis, Claire P. Review of Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical Dystopia, by Emrah AtasoyLink opens in a new window. Utopian Studies, vol. 33, no. 3, 2022, pp. 519-520 / Clarke, Jim. Review of Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical DystopiaLink opens in a new window Foundation, vol. 51, no. 143, 2022, pp. 91-95.).
Edited Books
- Alberro, HeatherLink opens in a new window, Emrah Atasoy, Nora CastleLink opens in a new window, Rhiannon FirthLink opens in a new window, and Conrad ScottLink opens in a new window, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled FuturitiesLink opens in a new window (Open AccessLink opens in a new window). London: Routledge, 31 July 2024. 254 pp.
Book Chapters
- Atasoy, Emrah. “TBC.” The Liverpool Handbook of Environmental Science Fiction. Liverpool UP (forthcoming).
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Identity Struggles and Domestic Turmoil in Ayse Kulin's Tutsak Güneş.” The Routledge Companion to Literatures and CrisisLink opens in a new window. Eds. Silvia Pellicer-Ortín, Chiara Battisti and Julia Kuznetski.London and New York: Routledge, 22 October 2024. 234-243. 490 pp.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Narrativa especulativa a Turquia : trobant una veu propiaLink opens in a new window.” Les Llengües de la Ciència-Ficció: altres tradicions. Ed. Sara Martin Alegre. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & El Biblionauta, 2024. 48-52. Re-publication.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Dys/utopian Narratives on the Screen: Beyond the Binaries in Children of Men and LobsterLink opens in a new window.” The Postworld In-Between Utopia and Dystopia: Intersectional, Feminist, and Non-Binary Approaches in 21st Century Speculative Literature and Culture. Eds. Tomasz Fisiak and Katarzyna Ostalska. London and New York: Routledge, 2021. 221-231. 286 pp.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Epistemological Warfare(s) in Dystopian Narrative: Zülfü Livaneli’s Son Ada and Anthony Burgess’ The Wanting Seed.” Speculations of War: Essays on Conflict in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopian LiteratureLink opens in a new window. Ed. Annette M. Magid. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2021. 82-105. 219 pp.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Kıyamet Sonrası Bilimkurgu: Mary Wesley’nin The Sixth Seal (1969) Eserinde Hayatta Kalma Mücadelesi” [Post-apocalyptic Fiction: Survival in Mary Wesley's The Sixth SealLink opens in a new window (1969)]. Bilimkurguyu Anlamak: Alt Türlere Eleştirel Yaklaşımlar [Understanding Science Fiction: Critical Approaches to Sub-genres]. Eds. Cenk Tan, Cem Kılıçarslan, and Seda Uyanık. Ankara: Nobel, 2021. 123-137. 358 pp.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Britanya Savaş Şiirinde Savaş Karşıtı Söylem Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme” [A Critical Approach to the Anti-war Discourse in British War PoetryLink opens in a new window]. Çeşitli Yönleriyle II. Dünya Savaşı [World War II: Multiple Perspectives]. Eds. Mehmet Burak Büyüktopçu and Samet Kalecik. Erzurum: Fenomen Yayıncılık, 2021. 1-9. ISBN: 978-625-7351-12-6. 198 pp.
Edited Journals: Critical Forum
- Atasoy, Emrah, Burcu Kayışcı AkkoyunLink opens in a new window, and Merve TaburLink opens in a new window, eds. Critical Forum: "Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the MediterraneanLink opens in a new window," Utopian StudiesLink opens in a new window, 35.1 (March 2024): 127-131.
Journal Articles
- Atasoy, Emrah. "Looking for Utopia in the Mediterranean: Contemporary Türkiye and Underground Station by Çağrı AktaşLink opens in a new window." Critical Forum: Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the MediterraneanLink opens in a new window, Utopian StudiesLink opens in a new window 35.1 (18 March 2024): 173-186.
- Komsta, MartaLink opens in a new window, and Emrah Atasoy. "Against Anthropocentrism: A Stray's Quest in Diane Cook's The New WildernessLink opens in a new window." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 65.1 (2024): 61-74. Published online: 20 Nov 2022. Doi: 10.1080/00111619.2022.2144109Link opens in a new window.
- Atasoy, Emrah. "Reconsidering Narratives: Speculative Fiction's Role in Addressing Climate Change in the AnthropoceneLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window." EUTOPIA Review 1 (2023): 61-67.
- Atasoy, Emrah and Burcu Kayışcı AkkoyunLink opens in a new window. "Distopik Yazında Umudun YolculuğuLink opens in a new window" [Journey of Hope in Dystopian Fiction]. Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi (Nesir: Journal of Literary Studies) 3 (31 Oct. 2022): 11-27.
- Atasoy, Emrah and Thomas HoranLink opens in a new window. “Prayer Had Broken Out: Pandemics, Capitalism, and Religious Extremism in Recent Apocalyptic FictionLink opens in a new window.” Studies in the Novel 54.2 (Summer 2022): 235-254.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Speculative Fiction Studies in Turkey: A Preliminary SurveyLink opens in a new window.” Utopian Studies 32.2 (2021): 236-251.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Happiness and Hedonism in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451Link opens in a new window.” Trakya University Journal of Faculty of Letters 11.21 (2021): 49-58.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Transformation of Siegfried Sassoon’s War Poetry: Discourse Shapes Perspective.” The Journal of Kesit Academy 7.26 (2021):1-8.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Ideological Transformation in Caryl Churchill’s Play, Mad Forest: A Play from Romania.” Motif Academy Journal of Folklore 14. 33 (2021): 362-373.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “An Intersectional Reading of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Herland: Challenging DichotomiesLink opens in a new window.” RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies 21 (2020): 660-668.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Spekülatif Kurguda Salgın TemasıLink opens in a new window” [Pandemics and Epidemics in Speculative Fiction]. Ankara University Journal of Languages and History-Geography 60.2 (2020): 672-685.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “A Victorian Interpretation of Rubâiyât of Omar Khayyâm by Edward FitzGerald.” Journal of Academic Language and Literature 4.4 (2020): 804-815.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “The Role of Language in Dystopian Narrative: Manipulative Discourse in George Orwell's Animal FarmLink opens in a new window.” Literary Voice 1.11 (2019): 52-59.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Quest for Utopian Impulse in Twentieth-Century Dystopian Narrative: P. D. James's Critical Dystopia, The Children of MenLink opens in a new window.” Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 17.1 (2019): 243-264.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Roles Reversed in The End of This Day's Business by Katharine Burdekin: A Utopian Dystopian Social OrderLink opens in a new window.” Libros de la Corte.es 16.10 (2018): 309-319.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Utopia's Turkish Translations and Utopianism in Turkish LiteratureLink opens in a new window.” Utopian Studies 27.3 (2016): 558-568. Web & Print.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Impediment to Knowledge and Imagination in Ray Bradbury's Dystopian Novel, Fahrenheit 451Link opens in a new window.” Ankara University Journal of Languages and History-Geography 55.1 (2015): 399-414.
Editorial Introductions
- Alberro, HeatherLink opens in a new window, Emrah Atasoy, Nora CastleLink opens in a new window, Rhiannon FirthLink opens in a new window, and Conrad ScottLink opens in a new window. “Introduction: Entangled Futurities.” Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled FuturitiesLink opens in a new window. Alberro, HeatherLink opens in a new window, Emrah Atasoy, Nora CastleLink opens in a new window, Rhiannon FirthLink opens in a new window, and Conrad ScottLink opens in a new window, eds. London: Routledge, 31 July 2024. 1-25. Co-authored Introduction.
- Atasoy, Emrah, Burcu Kayışcı AkkoyunLink opens in a new window, and Merve TaburLink opens in a new window. “Introduction: Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the MediterraneanLink opens in a new window.” Utopian Studies, 35. 1 (2024): 127-131. Co-authored Introduction.
- Nora Castle, Heather Alberro, Emrah Atasoy, Rhiannon Firth, and Conrad Scott. “Introduction to Symposium: Living in the End TimesLink opens in a new window.” SFRA Review 51.2 (Spring 2021): 144-149. Co-authored Introduction.
Book and Media Reviews
- Atasoy, Emrah. "Is Another World Possible?Link opens in a new window" Review of Rethinking Utopia: Interdisciplinary ApproachesLink opens in a new window by Ebru Deniz Ozan, ed. (Lexington, 2022. 122 pp.). Science Fiction Studies 51.1 (March 2024): 123-126.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “The Art of the Possible over the Art of Actuality." Review of 12 Monkeys by Susanne Kord (Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire: Auteur Press, 2019. 102 pp.).” Ankara University İLEF Journal 8.1 (2021): 209-214.
- Atasoy, Emrah. Review of Constellations: Children of Men by Dan Dinello (Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire: Auteur Press, 2019. 132 pp.). Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 31.3 (2020): 453-456.
- Atasoy, Emrah. Review of The PlatformLink opens in a new window (Media Review). SFRA (Science Fiction Research Association) Review 50, 2-3 (2020): 245-147.
- The Peace Experience (Barış Serüveni). Jason Whisman. Prod. Niloofar Shaterian. Writers. Niloofar Shaterian and Jason Whisman. Perf. Issah Adams, Sarah Cruse, Sonja Hiller, and et al. Subtitles. Emrah Atasoy and Fatma Betül Altun. Society of Altruistic Treatments, April 2016. Documentary. DVD.
Art Catalogue and Booklet
- Atasoy, Emrah and Thomas Horan. “Dystopia: Mapping Literary Legacies and Hellish FuturesLink opens in a new window” [Distopya: Edebi Mirasların ve Cehennemsi Geleceklerin Haritalandırılması]. Distopya Sound Art Exhibition İstanbul 2021. Curators: Selçuk Artut and Dr. Jeremy Woodruff. İstanbul: Akbank Sanat, 2021. 101-105.
- Atasoy, Emrah and Thomas Horan. “Dystopia: Mapping Literary Legacies and Hellish FuturesLink opens in a new window.” Chair: Dr Selçuk Artut (Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey). Distopya Sound Art Festival İstanbul 2021, 09.03.2021- 15.06.2021. Akbank Sanat, İstanbul, Türkiye. Curators: Dr Selçuk Artut and Dr Jeremy Woodruff. 25 March 2021. 18:30-20:00. Podcast. Online.
Impact: Outreach and Public Engagement
- "Dystopian and Utopian Narratives in an Age of Eco-AnxietyLink opens in a new window." The British Academy Late: The Age of Mistrust?, The British Academy, London, UK. 30 January 2025. In-person.
- Atasoy, Emrah. "Reconsidering Narratives: Speculative Fiction's Role in Addressing Climate Change in the AnthropoceneLink opens in a new window." EUTOPIA Review 1 (2023): 61-67.
- "An Academic Journey from Hacettepe to University of Warwick: An Interview with Assoc Prof Emrah Atasoy." Department of Translation and Interpreting & HÜÇEV, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye, 20 January 2024. Online. Academic conversation with Hacettepe University students.
- Interdisciplinary Impactful Project: Monumental Visions: Speculative Futures Through ArtLink opens in a new window. Academic Guidance. Warwick Institute of Engagement & Inini Initiative, Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, UK, October 2023-February 2024. In Person.
- "The Seeds of Utopia in Anthony Burgess's Dystopian Narrative The Wanting Seed (1962)." Convenor: Prof Andrew Biswell (Manchester Metropolitan University & Director of the International Anthony Burgess Foundation). Roundtable Discussion with Akos Farkas and Maria Palla. International Anthony Burgess FoundationLink opens in a new window, Manchester, UK, 14 July 2023. In-person.
- Atasoy, Emrah. "Orwell, Huxley and the Path to Truth: How Fiction can Help us to Understand RealityLink opens in a new window" IAI News (Institute of Art and Ideas), 1 March 2023.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Narrativa especulativa a Turquia: trobant una veu pròpiaLink opens in a new window [Speculative Literature and Narratives in Türkiye: Finding a Voice of Their Own].” Elbiblionauta, 8 Feb. 2023. Trans. by Dr Sara MartinLink opens in a new window (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain).
- “Distopyanın Tanım Sorunu” [Dystopia-The Problem of Definition]. Uluslararası Distopya Film FestivaliLink opens in a new window [International Dystopia Film Festival]. İstanbul, Turkey. 10-12 December 2021. Online.
- “Distopya, Apokaliptik Kurgu ve Pandemi/Salgın Temalı Distopik Eserler Üzerine Söyleşi.” [Dystopia, Apocalyptic Fiction and Dystopian Works with a Focus on Pandemics/Epidemics].” TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) Radyo 1 Gecenin İçinden. 09 April 2020. 23:31 – 23:57. In-person.
- “Edebiyatta Ütopya/Distopya, Ütopya Çalışmaları Üzerine Söyleşi.” [Utopia/ Dystopia in Literature, Utopian Studies]. TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) Radyo 1 Gecenin İçinden. 06 March 2020. 23:25 – 00:00. In-person.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Ütopyacılık, Ütopya ve Distopya Üzerine Genel ve Eleştirel Bir Bakış.” [Utopianism, Utopia, and Dystopia] Doğu Batı 80Link opens in a new window (Haziran 2017): 55-72.
Editorial & Scientific Advisory Board
- The Literary EncyclopediaLink opens in a new window, Editor of Utopian/Dystopian Studies, Speculative Fiction, and Science Fiction Section, 2024, -
- Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary ResearchLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, Scientific Advisory Board, 2024,
- The Grove-Working Papers on English StudiesLink opens in a new window, University of Jaen, Spain, Scientific Advisory Board, 2024, -
- Selçuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters, TürkiyeLink opens in a new window, Editorial Committee Member, 2023, -
- MediAzioniLink opens in a new window, University of Bologna, Italy, Editorial Committee Member, 2022, -
- Journal of EcohumanismLink opens in a new window, Editorial Board Member, 2021 - 2022
Advisory Board
- Uluslararası Distopya Film Festivali [International Dystopia Film FestivalLink opens in a new window]. Academic Advisor. İstanbul, Turkey. 10-12 December 2021.
- “Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and ArtsLink opens in a new window.” Advisory Board. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Univesity, Turkey. 20-22 October 2021. Online.
Invited Talks
- "Dystopian and Utopian Narratives in an Age of Eco-AnxietyLink opens in a new window." The British Academy Late: The Age of Mistrust?, The British Academy, London, UK. 30 January 2025. In-person.
- "Ütopik ve Distopik Anlatılarda GelecekLink opens in a new window" [The Future in Utopian and Dystopian Narratives]. Convenor: Dr Murat ÖğütçüLink opens in a new window. Department of English Language and Literature, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman, Türkiye. 27 December 2024. Online.
“Utopian and dystopian exploration of pandemics and ecological breakdown: Book launchLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.” Speakers: Emrah Atasoy, Rhiannon Firth, Heather Alberro, Nora Castle, and Conrad Scott. Organiser: Rhiannon Firth (UCL). University College London (UCL). 20 November 2024. Online.
- "Worlds Beyond: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Speculative NarrativesLink opens in a new window," Literary Dialogues Seminar Series, English Language and Literature, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Türkiye, 8 November 2024. In-person.
- “Narrating the Future: Cultural, Literary, and Media Perspectives on Tomorrow’s WorldsLink opens in a new window.” Department of English Language and Literature, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye. 6 November 2024. In-person.
- "Visions of the Future: Utopian and Dystopian Narratives in the Anglophone World and TürkiyeLink opens in a new window." Yunus Emre Institute London, London, UK, 20 June 2024. in-person.
- The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and The British Academy Knowledge Frontiers SymposiumLink opens in a new window. 5th UK-German Frontiers of Humanities Symposium: Natures, Cultures and Communities, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin, Germany, 5-8 June 2024. Invitation-only attendance.
- "Utopian and Dystopian Narratives in Contemporary Türkiye." Department of EnglishLink opens in a new window, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US. 3 April 2024. In-person.
- "Harvard Info Session: EU Funding for Postdocs and EURAXESS ServicesLink opens in a new window." Harvard University Medical School, Boston. MA, US. 1 March 2024. In-person.
- "Academia and Publishing in the UKLink opens in a new window." Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Türkiye, 24 January 2024. In-person.
- "Speculative Futures in Contemporary Turkish Literature and Culture." Convenor: Dr Darina MartykanovaLink opens in a new window. Department of Contemporary History. Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. 23 November 2023. In-person.
- "Utopia or Dystopia, or Both? Alternative World Systems in Contemporary Turkish and Anglophone Literature and CultureLink opens in a new window." Convenor: Dr. Camil UngureanuLink opens in a new window. Department of Political and Social Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, Spain. 15.30. 20 November 2023. In-person.
- "Utopia or Dystopia, or Both? Alternative World Systems." Convenor: Dr. Pablo GomezLink opens in a new window. Module: Introduction to English Literature, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. 10:30-12:00. 20 October 2023. In-person.
- "The Seeds of Utopia in Anthony Burgess's Dystopian Narrative The Wanting Seed (1962)." Convenor: Prof Andrew Biswell (Manchester Metropolitan University & Director of the International Anthony Burgess Foundation). Roundtable Discussion with Akos Farkas and Maria Palla. International Anthony Burgess FoundationLink opens in a new window, Manchester, UK, 14 July 2023. In-person.
- "Utopia, Dystopia, and Democratic Discourse in Contemporary Turkish Literature." Utopia and DemocracyLink opens in a new window. Central European University (CEU) Democracy Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 27-28 April 2023. In-person.
- “Speculative Worldbuilding, Utopia and/or Dystopia in the Anthropocene: Contemporary Türkiye and Anglophone World Literature.” Convenor: Dr. Philip Leonard. Department of English, Linguistics and Philosophy, Nottingham Trent University, UK. 29 March 2023. In-person.
- “Utopian & Dystopian Portrayals of the Future: Contemporary TürkiyeLink opens in a new window.” Convenor: Dr. Birgit Van Puymbroeck. The Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) and Werkgroep Literatuur en Cultuur (WOLEC) Lunch Lecture Series, EUTOPIALink opens in a new window European University exchange, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, 17 February 2023. 12:00-13:30 (CET). In-person.
- "Building the Future: Utopia and/or Dystopia." Convenor: Dr. Teresé Ringailiené. Institute of Foreign Languages, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. 25 January 2023. 14:00-15:00 (GMT+2). In-person.
- "Environmental Exploitation and Ecocide in Contemporary Turkish LiteratureLink opens in a new window." Convenor: Dr. Sean Seeger. Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex, UK. 2 December 2022. 14:30-16:00. In-person.
- "Alternative World Visions: Utopian and Dystopian NarrativesLink opens in a new window [Alternatif Dünya Tasavvurları: Ütopik ve Distopik AnlatılarLink opens in a new window]." Convenor: Dr. Cenk Tan. PAYDEA (Pamukkale University School of Foreign Languages, Language and Literature Studies) Literature Seminar Series, Pamukkale University, Türkiye. 17 November 2022. 17:00-18:30 (GMT+3). Online.
- “Futurisms in Contemporary TurkeyLink opens in a new window.” Convenor: Dr. Caroline Edwards. Centre for Contemporary Literature, Birkbeck. University of London, UK. 4 July 2022, 18:00-19:30, 43 Gordon Square. In-person.
- “Futuristic Worldbuilding: Speculation and Hope in Contemporary Turkish LiteratureLink opens in a new window.” Convenor: Dr. Adam Stock. Department of English Literature Research Lecture, York St John University, UK. 8 June 2022. 13:00 - 14:30, QS/III. In-person.
- “Worldbuilding in Contemporary Turkish LiteratureLink opens in a new window.” Convenor: Dr. Andrew Rudd. Department of English, Film and TV Studies Research Seminar, University of Exeter, UK. 16 May 2022, 15:30 - 16:30, Queens Building LT1. In-person.
- “Speculation in the Anthropocene: Contemporary TurkeyLink opens in a new window.” Convenors: Elisa Cozzi and Dr. Fiona Stafford. TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities) Environmental Humanities Lunchtime Seminars, University of Oxford, UK. 12 May 2022, 12:30 - 14:00. In-person.
- “The Speculative Literary Tradition in Contemporary Turkey.” Convenor: Dr. Laurent Mignon. Lecture Series: Of Other Worlds: New Perspectives on the Literatures of Turkey and Azerbaijan, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, UK. 3 May 2022, 17:00 - 18:00, Lecture Room 1. In-person.
- “Entangled Futurities in Contemporary Turkish LiteratureLink opens in a new window.” Convenor: Dr. Michael G. Kelly. The Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Republic of Ireland. 10 March 2022, 11:00 - 12:00, C1 061. In-person.
- “Futuristic Narratives in Contemporary Turkish Literature.” Convenor: Dr. Michael Pierse. Distinguished Speakers Series, English Research Seminar, the School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. Canada Room. 27 January 2022. 17:00 - 18:30 (UK Time). In-person.
- “Worldbuilding in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction.” Convenor: Dr. Anna Bugajska (Jesuit University Ignatianum, Kraków, Poland). Jesuit University Ignatianum (Kraków, Poland) Modern Languages, General and Applied Ethics Department Lecture Series. 28 April 2021. 11:30-13:00 (CET). Online.
Selected Conference Papers
- "Gender, Governance, and Social Transformation: Ayşe Kulin's Tutsak Güneş." 24th Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe: Utopia and DemocracyLink opens in a new window, Central European University (CEU) Democracy Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 3-5 July 2024. In-person.
- “Gender and Climate Futures in Contemporary Türkiye: Quest for Utopia.” Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish StudiesLink opens in a new window, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 21-23 September 2023. In-person.
- "Utopian Impulse in the Turkish Critical Dystopian TV Series Hot Skull." 23rd Utopian Studies Society / Europe Annual Conference 2023: Utopian ImaginariesLink opens in a new window. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 5-7 July 2023. In-person.
- Atasoy, Emrah and Marta Komsta. “Straying in the Anthropocene: Critical Hope in Diane Cook's The New Wilderness.” 22nd International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: Opening Utopia: New Directions in Utopian StudiesLink opens in a new window. University of Brighton, Brighton, UK. 13-15 July 2022. In-person.
- “Speculative Futurisms in Contemporary Turkish Literature: Precarity and the Politics of Hope in Cem Akaş’s Y.” SFRA 2022: Futures from the MarginLink opens in a new window. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 27 June-1 July 2022. In-person.
- Atasoy, Emrah and Burcu Kayışcı Akkoyun. “Eutopian Collaboration against Dystopian Presents and Futures in Turkish Literature.” 21st International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: Utopian Possibilities: Knowledge, Happiness & Wellbeing. Porto University, Porto, Portugal. 10-12 December 2021. Online.
- “Access to SF in Turkey and Turkish SF Abroad.” Access and Science Fiction: The Sixth Annual City Tech Science Fiction SymposiumLink opens in a new window. New York City College of Technology, New York, USA. 9 Dec. 2021. Online.
- “The Concept of Home in Critical DystopiaLink opens in a new window.” Seventh International BAKEA Conference: Home. Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey. 15-17 September 2021. Online.
- “Problematizing the Definition of Utopia and DystopiaLink opens in a new window.” An International Interdisciplinary Conference: Literature, Cultural Studies, and Translation. Cappadocia University, Mustafapaşa, Nevşehir, Turkey. 8 June 2021. Online.
- “Translating Thomas More into Turkish: Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in Utopia (1516)” Sustainable Multilingualism 2021Link opens in a new window. The Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) of Vytautas Magnus University and the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA), Kaunas, Lithuania. 4-5 June 2021. Online.
- “Hope in Speculative Literature: Utopia & Dystopia on the Screen.” Utopia & Dystopia: Conference on the Fantastic in Media EntertainmentLink opens in a new window. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. 27-29 May 2021. Online.
- Atasoy, Emrah and Thomas Horan. “Religious Fundamentalism, Corporate Capitalism, and Pandemics in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, Emily John Mandel’s Station Eleven, and Ling Ma’s Severance.” A Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference: Living in the End Times: Utopian and Dystopian Representations of Pandemics in Fiction, Film and CultureLink opens in a new window. Cappadocia University, Mustafapaşa, Nevşehir, Turkey. 13-15 January 2021. Online.
- Atasoy, Emrah. “Subversion of the Hegemonic Discourse in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Literary Utopia, HerlandLink opens in a new window.” Modernism and Postmodernism Studies Conference 2020. Kocaeli University and Modernism and Postmodernism Studies Network in Turkey. Kocaeli, Turkey. 23-24 July 2020. Online.
“Surveying Utopianism and Utopian Thought in Turkish Literature: Exemplary Literary Utopias and Dystopias.” 2019 Society for Utopian Studies, USA 44th Annual Conference: Subaltern, Suburban and SubterraneanLink opens in a new window. The Society for Utopian Studies, USA & Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan, USA. 17-19 October 2019. In-person.
- “Population Excess and Sustenance Shortage in The Wanting Seed by Anthony BurgessLink opens in a new window.” 20th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: Utopia, Dystopia and Climate Change. Monash University (Australia), Prato Centre. Prato, Tuscany, Italy. 1-5 July 2019. In-person.
“Search for Harmony in Disharmony in The Children of Men by P. D. James.” 19th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: In Search of New HarmoniesLink opens in a new window. Universitat Rovira I Virgili & HISTOPIA Research Project. Tarragona, Spain. 9-12 July 2018. In-person.
“Identity Politics in Dystopian Narrative.” Across Borders VII: Cultures in DialogueLink opens in a new window. Estonian Literary Museum / Krosno State College. Tartu, Estonia. 27-29 April 2017. In-person.
“Transformational Utopian / Dystopian Projections in Turkish Literature: A Critical Outlook.” His Master's Voice 4th Annual Symposium Utopias, Dystopias, and EcotopiasLink opens in a new window. Jagiellonian University & Facta Ficta Research Centre. Krakow, Poland. 23-25 March 2017. In-person.
- “Roles Reversed in The End of This Day’s Business by Katharine Burdekin: A Utopian Dystopian Social Order.” International Conference: 500 Years of Utopia: Readings on Thomas MoreLink opens in a new window. Autonoma University. Madrid, Spain. 15-16 December 2016. In-person.
“Social Upheaval in Zülfü Livaneli’s Anti-Utopian Novel, Son Ada (The Last Island).” Global Flows: Diaspora, Diversity, and Divergence in Utopia: Society for Utopian Studies 40th Annual MeetingLink opens in a new window. Greater Allegheny Campus of Penn State University & The Society for Utopian Studies. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 5-8 November 2015. In-person.
- “Impediment to Knowledge and Imagination in Ray Bradbury’s Dystopian Novel, Fahrenheit 451.” Midwest Conference on Utopian StudiesLink opens in a new window. Valparaiso University. Valparaiso, Indiana, USA. 20-21 March 2015. In-person.
“Mechanic and Fixed World in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.” Global Work and Play: Society for Utopian Studies 39th Annual MeetingLink opens in a new window. University of Wisconsin UW Milwaukee & The Society for Utopian Studies. Montreal, Canada. 23-26 October 2014.In-person.
- “Newspeak for Oldspeak in 1984 by George Orwell: Language Shaping Citize” International Scientific Conference: Man in the Space of LanguageLink opens in a new window. Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities. Kaunas, Lithuania. 15-16 May 2014. In-person.
- “Rebellion of the Individual as a Woman against the Oppressive Norms of Society in Jeanette Winterson’s Novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.” Central Europe and the English-Speaking World: An International ConferenceLink opens in a new window. University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary. 29 July-2 Aug. 2013. In-person.
- “The Problematic Point View of the Coloniser in Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell: A Foucauldian Perspective.” Point of View as Challenge: XXXIII. International VAKKI SymposiumLink opens in a new window, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland. 7-8 Feb. 2013. In-person.
“Rhinocerisation in Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco.” Four-Footed Actors: Live Animals on the StageLink opens in a new window, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 12-14 Dec. 2012. In-person.
- “An Escape from Modern Life: Alienation in Matthew Arnold’s The Scholar Gypsy.” Across Borders: V. International Conference on Culture, Language and LiteratureLink opens in a new window, Sarospatak, Hungary, 12-14 Oct. 2012. In-person.
Conference & Interdisciplinary Lecture Organisation
- 25th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society-Europe: Ageing, Intergenerational Relationships, and UtopiaLink opens in a new window. University of Valencia, Spain. 2-4 July 2025. Conference Scientific Committee.
- "Speculative Futures: A Conversation with Afşin Kum, the Author of Hot Skull (Sıcak Kafa) and KübraLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Afşin Kum. Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) & English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, UK. 14:00-15:30. 27 June 2024. Online.
- "Translating James Joyce into Turkish: Finnegans Wake and UlyssesLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Fuat SevimayLink opens in a new window Link opens in a new window(Translator). Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), Translation and Transcultural Studies Section, School of Modern Languages and Cultures & Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, UK. 15:30-17:00 (GMT+1), 13 December 2023. Online.
- “Un/Building the Future: The Country and The City in the AnthropoceneLink opens in a new window.” Conference Convening Committee. University of Warwick, UK, 14-15-16 June 2023. In person. Interdisciplinary Conference received funding from the Institute of Advanced StudyLink opens in a new window, Sustainable Cities GRPLink opens in a new window, Connecting Cultures GRPLink opens in a new window, Cyber Security GRPLink opens in a new window, Energy GRPLink opens in a new window, and Food GRPLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick, UK.
- "Emergency and Disaster Interpreting in TürkiyeLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Dr Rana Kahraman Duru Link opens in a new window(Dept of Translation and Interpretation, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Istanbul, Türkiye). Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), University of Warwick, UK. 12:00-14:00, 29 May 2023. Online.
- "Rethinking Masculinity Studies: Past - Present - FutureLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Dr Stefan HorlacherLink opens in a new window (Dresden University of Technology, Germany, EUTOPIA Alliance Partner). Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), University of Warwick, UK.14:00-16:00, 22 May 2023. Online.
- "Sports, Nations, and Utopia in Canadian Literature and CultureLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Dr Jason BlakeLink opens in a new window (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, EUTOPIA Alliance Partner). Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), University of Warwick, UK.14:00-16:00, 5 May 2023. Online.
- "Utopia, Anti-utopia, and Postsecularism in the Work of Aldous HuxleyLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Dr Sean SeegerLink opens in a new window (Dept. of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex, UK). Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), University of Warwick, UK.14:00-15:30, 19 April 2023. Online.
- "Life Writing and Media: The (Meta)Fictional Biography on RadioLink opens in a new window." Speaker. Dr Birgit Van PuymbroeckLink opens in a new window (VUB, Brussels, EUTOPIA Alliance Partner). Convenor. Dr Emrah Atasoy. Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), University of Warwick, UK. IAS Seminar Room C0.02, 14:00-16:00, 14 April 2023. Hybrid.
- “22nd International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: Opening Utopia: New Directions in Utopian StudiesLink opens in a new window.” Conference Convening Committee. University of Brighton, Brighton, UK. 13-15 July 2022. In person.
- “Uluslararası Distopya Film Festivali [International Dystopia Film Festival]Link opens in a new window.” Academic Advisor. İstanbul, Turkey. 10-12 December 2021.
- “A Virtual Interdisciplinary International Conference: Literature, Cultural Studies, and TranslationLink opens in a new window.” Conference Convening Committee. Cappadocia University Department of English Language and Literature. Cappadocia University Mustafapaşa Campus, Ürgüp/Nevşehir/Turkey. 08 June 2021
- “1. Ulusal Çevreci Beşeri Bilimler Konferansı [1st National Environmental Humanities Conference]Link opens in a new window.” Conference Convening Committee. Cappadocia University Environmental Humanities Center. Cappadocia University Mustafapaşa Campus, Ürgüp/Nevşehir/Turkey. 27-28 May 2021. Online.
- “Living in the End Times: Utopian and Dystopian Representations of Pandemics in Fiction, Film and Culture: A Virtual Interdisciplinary International ConferenceLink opens in a new window.” Conference Convening Committee. Cappadocia University Department of English Language and Literature. Cappadocia University Mustafapaşa Campus, Ürgüp/Nevşehir/Turkey. 13-15 January 2021.
University of Warwick, Dept. of English and Comparative Literary Studies
2023-24 Academic Year:
- Academic Enrichment (English Postgrad Seminars)
Cappadocia University, Dept. of English Language and Literature
2020-21 Academic Year, Spring:
- İDE 222 Translation II (Undergraduate-Elective)
- İDE 322 Translation IV (Undergraduate-Elective)
- İDE 520 / 580 Dystopia in Fiction and Film (Graduate-(Non)Thesis Program, Elective)
- İDE 507 / 567 Advanced Research Methods and Publication Ethics (Graduate-(Non)Thesis Program, Compulsory)
- KCL 536 / 586 Ütopya ve Distopya (Graduate-(Non)Thesis Program, Utopia and Dystopia)
2020-21 Academic Year, Fall:
- İDE 109 Advanced English Writing Skills (Undergraduate, Compulsory)
- İDE 209 Classical Literature (Undergraduate, Compulsory)
- İDE 221 Translation I (Undergraduate, Elective)
- İDE 500 Seminar (Graduate-Thesis Program, Compulsory)
- İDE 527 / 587 Utopia in Fiction and Film (Graduate-(Non)Thesis Program, Elective)
Hacettepe University, Dept. of English Lang. and Lit. (Assisted)
- İED 343131 Writing Skills
- İED 343134 Study Skills and Research Techniques
- İED 343152 Introduction to Britain II
- İED 343142 Classical Literature
- İED 343233 Speech and Communication Skills
- İED 343384 Literature and Science Fiction
- İED 343387 British Novel II
- İED 343393 Literature in Film
Administrative Duties
- Acting Chair: 03.07. 2020 - 31.08. 2021, Dept. of English Translation and Interpreting, Cappadocia University, Turkey.
- Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator: June 2020 - August 2021, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Cappadocia University, Turkey.
- Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator: June 2020 - August 2021, Dept. of English Translation and Interpreting, Cappadocia University, Turkey.
- Executive Board Membership: June 2020 - August 2021, Environmental Sustainability Commission, Cappadocia University, Turkey.
- Executive Board Membership: June 2020 - August 2021, Environmental Humanities Center, Cappadocia University, Turkey
- Departmental Erasmus+ Internship Coordinator: 2013 - 2015, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, Turkey.
- Departmental Erasmus+ Assistant Coordinator: 2013 - 2015, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, Turkey.
Selected Professional Development Training and Certificates
- Conducting Interviews. Session Leader: Prof Sue OnslowLink opens in a new window (King’s College London). School of Advanced Study, University of London. 03. 02. 2025.
- Teaching through Bespoke GamesLink opens in a new window. Session Leader: Dr Claire Robertson (Harper Adams University). Academic Development Centre, University of Warwick. 22. 01. 2025.
- Oxford School of Climate Change Course. Oxford Climate SocietyLink opens in a new window, University of Oxford, UK. In progress (8-week course, January-March 2025).
- Academic Citizenship: Collaboration and Community-building as a ResearcherLink opens in a new window. Session Leader: Dr Elizabeth Dearnley (Edinburgh Napier University). School of Advanced Study, University of London. 20. 01. 2025.
- AI Foundations-AI Bootcamps 25Link opens in a new window, Academic Development Centre, University of Warwick. 8.01.2025.
- Introduction to Career Skills in Data Analytics, LinkedIn Learning. 29. 12. 2024.
- Curriculum Development Essentials, Academic Development Centre (ADC), University of Warwick. 28.12.2024.
Preparing to Teach in Higher Education (2024/2025), Academic Development Centre (ADC), University of Warwick. 28.12.2024.
- Ethics in the Age of Generative AI. LinkedIn Learning. 23.10.2024.
- Learning Path: Prepare for the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals (MS-900) Certification by Microsoft Press. LinkedIn Learning. 23.10.2024.
- Learning Technologies and TEL in Higher Education, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 16.10.2024.
- Climate Literacy Training, University of Warwick, 11.10.2024.
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. LinkedIn Learning. 13.09.2024.
- Advance HE & Higher Education Academy Fellowship (FHEA), Academic and Professional Pathway for Experienced Staff (APP EXP), University of Warwick, UK. Completed. 20.08.2024.
- EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Fellowship Training Programme (Open Science, Impact and Innovation, Personal Development, Research Fundings, Ethics and Communication-50 hours in total). Completed.
- Digital Humanities Certification Programme, University of Warwick, UK. 2023-2024. Completed.
- Humanities Researcher Development and Training Programme: Humanities-Storytelling for Researchers. Humanities Division, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), University of Oxford. 12 Feb. 2022.
- Workshop: “Publication Ethics and Academic Publication Principles.” Hacettepe University, Department of English Language and Literature. 29 March 2019.
- Educators’ Training Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education, Hacettepe University, Turkey, 27 Dec. 2018.
Awards, Fellowships, and Grants
- The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and The British Academy Knowledge Frontiers SymposiumLink opens in a new window. 5th UK-German Frontiers of Humanities Symposium: Natures, Cultures and Communities Participation Award, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin, Germany, 5-8 June 2024. Invitation-only attendance.
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (EUTOPIA-SIF COFUND, European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme), University of Warwick, UK, -
- Utopian Studies Society, Europe Conference Travel Bursary. 23rd Utopian Studies Society / Europe Annual Conference 2023: Utopian ImaginariesLink opens in a new window. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 4-7 July 2023. In-person. €180.
- University of Warwick, Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) Award, Co-applicant, “Un/Building the Future: The Country and The City in the AnthropoceneLink opens in a new window.” Conference Convening Committee. University of Warwick, UK, 14-15-16 June 2023. £1752.
- Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Postdocs, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2023-2025, 24 months + 2 months Language Course (Declined in favour of other funding). €70,704.
- Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) Conference Travel Grant. SFRA 2022: Futures from the MarginLink opens in a new window. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 27 June-1 July 2022. In-person. $500.
- TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) 2219 International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Programme. Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar, Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford, UK. Sept. 2021-Sept. 2022 (12 months financial support). €25,200.
- The Society for Utopian Studies, USA, Nicole LaRose Travel Grant. 2019 Society for Utopian Studies, USA 44th Annual Conference: Subaltern, Suburban and SubterraneanLink opens in a new window. The Society for Utopian Studies, USA & Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan / USA. 17-19 October 2019. $500.
- TUBITAK 2224-A International Scientific Meetings Fellowship Programme, for “Population Excess and Sustenance Shortage in The Wanting Seed by Anthony Burgess.” 20th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: Utopia, Dystopia and Climate Change. Monash University (Australia), Prato Centre. Prato, Tuscany / Italy. 1-5 July 2019. $1000.
- Utopian Studies Society, Europe Conference Travel Bursary. 19th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe: In Search of New Harmonies. Universitat Rovira I Virgili & HISTOPIA Research Project. Tarragona / Spain. 9-12 July 2018. €270.
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Intensive Language Course Scholarship (Intensivsprachkurse in Deutschland für ausländische Studierende und Graduierte). Goethe Institute, Freiburg, Germany. 03 July 2017 – 25 Aug. 2017. €2300.
- TUBITAK 2214-A International Research Fellowship Program for Doctorate Students. Visiting Scholar in the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Penn State University, USA / 24 Aug. 2015 – 24 Aug. 2016. $16200. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor.
- Helen F. Faust Women Writers Research Travel AwardLink opens in a new window, Penn State University, USA, Summer 2016.
- ASLE-UKI: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (UK and Ireland)Link opens in a new window, Member, 2024-…
- BALEAP- British Association of Lectures in English for Academic PurposesLink opens in a new window, Member, 2024-…
- The Association for Medical Humanities-AMHLink opens in a new window, Member, 2024-...
- Midlands Cluster for the British Academy Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network (Midlands and Mid-Wales Cluster)Link opens in a new window, Member, 2022-...
- Environmental Humanities NetworkLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick, Member, 2022-...
- The Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish StudiesLink opens in a new window (Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung), Member, 2023-…
- The Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA)Link opens in a new window, Member, 2022-…
- ESSE: The European Society for the Study of EnglishLink opens in a new window, Member, 2022-…
- İDEA: The English Language and Literature Association of TürkiyeLink opens in a new window, Member, 2022-…
- Utopian Studies Society, EuropeLink opens in a new window, Member, 2017-…
- SUS: The Society for Utopian StudiesLink opens in a new window, USA, Member, 2014-…
- Visiting Researcher, Department of English, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US, February 2024-May 2024, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
- Visiting Researcher, Department of Humanities, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, September 2023-November 2023, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
- Associate Professor of English Language and Literature, the Inter-University Board of the Republic of Türkiye, the Council of Higher Education, 05.04.2022-
- Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of English Language and Literature,University of Oxford, UK, 2021-2022
- Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Cappadocia University, Türkiye, June 2020-August 2021
- PhD (Joint), Department of English Language and Literature,Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye, 2019
- Visiting Scholar, Department of English & Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Penn State University, USA, 2015-2016
- BA, Department of English Language and Literature,Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye, 2011 (summa cum laude; GPA: 3.91/4.00)
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