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Dr Emma Sheppard ' Outspoken Shakespeare: Michael Bogdanov the Opportunist Director', Supervisor: Carole Rutter

Dr Tom Crompton 'Poetics of the Deindustralising Landscape' Supervisor: Jonathan Skinner

Dr Anna Rivers 'Reality, Relationality, Spectrality: The Mystic Poetry of Emily Brontë, Christina Rossetti and Mathilde Blind'
Supervisor: Emma Mason

Dr Andrea Lawrence, 'Iberian Studies Through the Lens of Combined and Uneven Development: The World-System in Literature, Translation and Multicultural Exchange'. Supervisors: Paulo De Sousa Aguiar de Medeiros (University of Warwick) and Stewart King (Monash University)

Dr Sam Weselowski, Metropolitan Frontiers: Vancouver Poetry and the Urban Form of Extraction, 1965-2019, Supervisors: Myka Tucker-Abramson, Nick Lawrence & Jonathan Skinner


Dr Li Liu,'What Do Texts want?: The Want and Liminality of Working-Class females in Mid-Victorian Bourgeois Paternalistic Literature'. Supervisors: Jen Baker and Michael Meeuwis

Dr Thomas Heath, 'Actor Training in the Flow State'. Supervisors: Stephen Purcell and Fiona Gregory.

Dr Julian Richards, 'This Man Is Great: Glen Byam Shaw Directs Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1951-1959'. Supervisor: Carol Rutter

Dr Harry Pit Scott, 'The Poetics of Offshore: Finance and World-Petroculture after 1973', Supervisor: Graeme Macdonald

Dr Amula Gyawali, The Invention of Nature: State-Building and Environment-Making in the 'Extended' Himalayas, Supervisors: Pablo Mukherjee and Mike Niblett

Dr Esthie Hugo, Gender, Race and World-Ecological Literature: Plotting Women’s Work from the Plantation to the Present, Supervisor: Mike Niblett

Dr Alys Daroy Biophilic Shakespeare: Towards an Affective Framework for Ecological Analysis. Supervisors: Stephen Purcell (University of Warwick) and Fiona Gregory (Monash University)

Dr Lindy Rudd 'Lessons from Shakespeare: Examining Early Modern Pedagogy as "Pattern, Precedent and Lively Warrant" for Modern Tertiary Education. Supervisor: Carol Rutter

Zhuohan Zeng,Digital performance in contemporary theatres, Supervisor: Matthew Franks. Visiting PhD, 2022-2023.


Dr Marianne Hillion, Between the Epic and the Ordinary: Locating the Politics of Contemporary Indian Urban Writing in English (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata), Supervisor: Pablo Mukherjee

Dr Tina Janssen, The Contemporary Reception of Sir William Jones’s Translations of Oriental Literature, Supervisor: John Gilmore

Dr Aiman Aslam, The Bio-Political Empire; Sovereignty, Race and War in Afghan, Iraqi and Pakistani Literatures, Supervisors: Neil Lazarus and Upamanyu Pablo Mukerjee

Dr Jaewon Yoon, Contradictions and Asymmetry Revealed in Financial Capitalism and Crisis: Reading the 21st century crisis literature based on Karl Marx’s Capital, Supervisors: Stephen Shapiro and Mark Storey

Dr Nora Castle, Food Futures: Food, Foodways, and Environmental Crisis in Contemporary Science Fiction, Supervisor: Graeme Macdonald

Dr Mantra Mukim, researching the poetics of failure and event in the works of Samuel Beckett and addressing the legacies of lyric writing in twentieth century theory and literature. Supervisor: Daniel Katz


Dr Natasha Bondre, Reading 'Emperer Oil' In The Expanded Caribbean: Petroleum, Ecology and Caribbean literature in the Twentieth Century, Supervisors: Paulo de Medeiros and Michael Niblett

Dr Nadeen Dakkak, An Immense Cargo of Wanderers Seeking their Own Destruction Migration to the Arab Gulf States in Arabic Fiction, Supervisor: Rashmi Varma

Dr Christine Emmett, Inequality, Moralism and Legitimacy in South African Literature Re-reading apartheid from Millin to Wicomb, Supervisor: Neil Lazarus

Dr Fiona Farnsworth, Contemporary Literary Foodways Between Sub-Saharan Africa and the USA, Supervisor: Neil Lazarus

Dr Demet Intepe, Environmental Justice and Writers as Activists in Multi-Ethnic North American Literatures, Film, and Theater, Supervisors: Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee and Neil Lazarus

Dr Thirayut Sangangamsakun, Trans-Victorian: Rewriting Victorian Fiction in Thailand, Supervisor: Ross Forman

Dr Jungju Shin, (Re)Turn of the Abject: Representation of Asian (American) Masculinity in the West, Supervisor: Ross Forman

Dr Ian Tan Xing Long, Poetry as appropriative proximity: Wallace Stevens, Martin Heidegger and the language of Being, Supervisor: Daniel Katz

Dr William Wolfgang, Grassroots Shakespeare: Amateur and Community-Based Shakespeare Performance in the United States of America, Supervisor: Paul Prescott


Dr Siyu Cao, Performing Post-Britishness: A Quest for Independence in the Contemporary Literature of England, Supervisor: Michael Gardiner

Dr Giulia Champion, The Empire Bites Back: Literary Cannibalism in the Extractiono(s)cene, Supervisors: Neil Lazarus and Fabienne Manicom

Dr Roxanne Douglas, Stories of Paradox and Exposure: Second Wave Arab Feminist Writing, Supervisor: Cathia Jenainati

Dr Andrew Fletcher, Shakespeare and the Fiction of Theatre, Supervisor: Stephen Purcell

Dr Angus Love, Alain Badiou's Twisted Contemporaneity: Inaesthetics and the Contemporary, Supervisor: Stephen Purcell and Thomas Docherty

Dr Emil Rybczak, A Bibliographical Enquiry into Thomas Johnson’s A Collection of the Best English Plays, Supervisor: Teresa Grant

Dr Sophie Shorland, 'Blazing Stars': Early Modern Celebrity Culture, 1580-1626, Supervisor: Stephen Purcell

Dr Freya Verlander, (Skin) Aesthetics: A Study of Skin(s) in Spectatorship, Supervisor: Liz Barry

Dr James Wills, Fictions of Justice: Literary Lawyers in the American South, 1946-1966, Supervisor: Mark Storey

Dr Dee Wu, The Reciprocal Gaze at the "Exotic" Other: Oscar Wilde and China's Modernisation, Supervisor: Ross Forman


Dr Thomasin Bailey, Authority and Influence in Lady Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, Supervisor: Paul Botley

Dr Roxanne Bibizadeh, Freedom and Unfreedom in the Literature of the Iranian and Arab Diaspora, Supervisors: Rashmi Varma and Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee

Dr Louise Campion, Christ in the Kitchen, Christ in the Chamber: The Language and Imagery of Domestic Space in Late Medieval Religious Literature, Supervisor: Christiania Whitehead

Dr Karen Borg Cardona, The Failed Quest in Contemporary World Literature, Supervisor: Paulo de Medeiros

Dr Jenny Wing Haang Mak, Kinaesthetic Bodies in Contemporary Literature, Supervisors: Rashmi Varma and Thomas Docherty

Dr Katja Laug, Mementoes of the Broken Body: Cormac McCarthy's Aesthetic Politics, Supervisors: Nicholas Monk and Thomas Docherty

Dr Divya Rao, New Alphabet in Sight: Representation and the Reframing of Dalit Identity, Supervisors: Rashmi Varma and Neil Lazarus

Dr Madeleine Scherer, A Global Schema: The Graeco-Roman Underworld in Ireland and the Caribbean, Supervisors: John Gilmore and Liz Barry


Dr Maria Cohut, Before and Beyond the Glass: Women and Their Mirrors in the Literature and Art of Nineteenth-Century Britain, Supervisor: Emma Mason

Dr Robert W. Daniel, The Manuscript Poetry of Thomas St Nicholas, Supervisors: Elizabeth Clarke and Peter Mack.

Dr Rita Dashwood, Women in Residence: Forms of Belonging in Jane Austen, Supervisors: Tina Lupton and David Taylor

Dr Ronan Hatfull, 'The Other RSC': The History and Legacy of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, Supervisor: Paul Prescott

Dr Julie Hudson, The Environment on Stage: Scenery or Shapeshifter?, Supervisor: Stephen Purcell and Carol Rutter

Dr Gurpreet Kaur, Beyond the Binary: Postcolonial Ecofeminism in Indian Women's Writing in English, Supervisor: Rashmi Varma

Dr Qiao Qingquan, China in Britain in the Interwar Period: Bertrand Russell, W. H. Auden, Christopher Isherwood and Shih-I Hsiung, Supervisor: Ross Forman

Dr Robert Starr, 'Nailed to the rolls of honour, crucified': Irish Literary Responses to the Great War, Supervisor: Liz Barry

Dr Robert Stock, Do you hear what I hear? Inferring Voice in Celebrity Translation in the Theatre, Supervisor: Chantal Wright

Dr Andrew Stones, Lines of Flight: Gilles Deleuze and the Becoming of World Literature, Supervisor: Michael Gardiner

Dr Sita Thomas, 'In Search of a New National Story': Issues of Cultural Diversity in the Casting and Performance of Shakespeare in Britain 2012-2016, Supervisor: Tony Howard

Dr Milly Weaver, Reading Seeing: Visuality in the Contemporary Novel, Supervisor: Tina Lupton


Dr Sourit Bhattacharya, The Crisis of Modernity: Realism and the Postcolonial Indian Novel, Supervisors: Neil Lazarus and Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee

Dr Birgit Breidenbach, Stimmung and Modernity: The Aesthetic Philosophy of Mood in Dostoevsky, Beckett and Bernhard, Supervisor: Thomas Docherty

Dr Catherine Charlwood, Models of Memory: Cognition and Cultural Memory in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy and Robert Frost, Supervisor: Liz Barry

Dr Chi-fang Chen, A Study of Political Humour in British Literature in the 1790s, Supervisor: Tina Lupton

Dr Heba Elmasry, A Comparative Study of Arthur John Arberry's and Desmond O'Grady's Translations of the Seven Mu'allaqat, Supervisor: Cathia Jenainati

Dr Monica Martin-Castaño, Translating Disney songs from The Little Mermaid (1989) to Tarzan (1999): An Analysis of Translation Strategies Used to Dub and Subtitle Songs into Spanish, Supervisor: John Gilmore

Dr Claudio Murgia, [Beyond] Posthuman Violence: Epic Rewritings of Ethics in the Contemporary Novel, Supervisor: Thomas Docherty

Dr Matthew Rumbold, Epic Relation: The Sacred, History, and Late Modernist Aesthetics in Hart Crane, David Jones, and Derek Walcott, Supervisor: Emma Mason

Dr George Ttoouli, Twentieth Century North American Serial Poetic Form & Ecological Thinking, Supervisors: Nick Lawrence and David Morley


Dr Dominic Dean, The Child and Authority in Contemporary Literature and Critical Culture, Supervisor: Thomas Docherty

Dr Chris Maughan, Activism Ltd - Environmental Activism and Comtemporary Literature, Supervisor: Graeme Macdonald

Dr Jack McGowan, Slam the Book: The Role of Performance in Contemporary UK Poetics, Supervisor: Emma Mason

Dr Emanuelle Santos, Late Postcoloniality: State, Violence and Wealth in the Literatures of Early 21st Century Portuguese-speaking Africa, Supervisor: Paulo de Medeiros

Dr Laura Wood, Works of Taste and Fancy: The Woman and the Child Reader in Nineteenth Century Literature, Supervisor: Emma Francis


Dr Vladimir Brljak, Allegory and Modernity in English Literature c.1575 - 1675, Supervisors: Catherine Bates and Christina Britzolakis

Dr Nicholas Collins, Forming the Nation: Early Modern England and Modern Ireland, Supervisor: Thomas Docherty

Dr Ben Fowler, (Re)Directing the Text: Politics & Perception in the Work of Katie Mitchell & Thomas Ostermeier, Supervisor: Tony Howard

Dr Alice Leonard, Error in Shakespeare: Shakespeare in Error, Supervisors: Thomas Docherty and Paul Prescott

Dr Emma Poltrack, The History and Working Practices of the Propeller Theatre Company, Supervisor: Carol Rutter

Dr Joanna Rzepa, Literary and Theological Modernisms: Rainer Maria Rilke, T.S. Eliot, and Józef Wittlin, Supervisor: Emma Mason

Dr Andrea Selleri, The Author as a Critical Category, 1850-1900, Supervisor: Dan Katz

Dr Michael Yat-him Tsang, At Interregnum: Hong Kong and its English Writing, Supervisor: Rashmi Varma

Dr Rhys Williams, Architects of Impurity: A Study of the Political Imagination in Contemporary Fantastic Fiction, Supervisor: Graeme MacDonald


Dr Cassandra Adjei, Duality, Genre and the "Modern Mulatto": Response and Representation in Contemporary British Fiction, Supervisor: John Gilmore

Dr Intira Bumrungsalee, Translating Culture in Films: Subtitling in Thailand, Supervisors: John Gilmore and Stephen Gundle

Dr James Christie, Fredric Jameson and the Art of Modernism, Supervisors: Thomas Docherty and Neil Lazarus

Dr Nesrin Degirmencioglu, Uneven Cities: The Dialectic of Urban Modernity and Literary Form in Dos Passos, Tanpinar, Auster and Pamuk, Supervisors: Maureen Freely and Nick Lawrence

Gohar Karim Khan, Narrating Pakistan Transnationally: Identity, Politics and Terrorism in Anglophone Pakistani Literature after "9/11", Supervisor: Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee

Dr Madolyn Nichols, Women Who Leave: Irish Literature and Anti-Emigration Propaganda, Supervisors: Elizabeth Barry and Maria Luddy

Dr Iman Sheeha, Staging the Servant: An Examination of the Roles of Household Servants in Early Modern Domestic Tragedy, Supervisor: Carol Rutter

Dr Nanthanoot Udomlamun, Materiality and Memory in Contemporary Diasporic and Postcolonial Fiction, Supervisor: Neil Lazarus

Dr Máté Vince, From 'Aequivocatio' to the 'Jesuitical Equivocation': The Changing Concepts of Ambiguity in Early Modern England, Supervisor: Peter Mack


Dr Nazry Bahrawi, Postsecular intimations in the fiction of Graham Greene and Naguib Mahfouz, Supervisor: Susan Bassnett

Dr Sophie Rudland, Faith, Feeling and Gender in the Writing of Hartley, Wollstonecraft and Blake, Supervisor: Emma Mason

Dr Christian Smith, Shakespeare's Influence on Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory, Supervisors: Jon Bate and Thomas Docherty


Dr Peter Kirwan, Shakespeare and the Idea of Apocrypha, Supervisor: Jon Bate

Dr Francesca Scott, The Contradictory Nature of Women Writers in the Late Eighteenth Century, Supervisor: Jackie Labbe


Dr Charlotte Mathieson, Bodies in Transit: Mobility, Embodiment and Space in the mid-Victorian Novel, Supervisors: Dr Gill Frith and Dr Pablo Mukherjee

Dr Andrew Webb