Ragesree Roy
I am in my second year of PhD. My thesis maps eco-precarity at the interstices of water crisis, harnessing of hydro-energy and exploration of ‘blue-ecology’ in Asia and explores the dynamics of agency and the subject formation of what I aim to call as the ‘ecological subalterns’. I argue that hydrocolonialism in Asian novels has evolved from a neo-liberal ideology of materializing water as a conduit of political and economic investment to a conflicted and nuanced dialectic, opening new dialogues of hydro-democracy, water ethics and water justice. This aligns my project along a postcolonial Marxist lens of resource identification, proprietorship, resource allocation and resource management. Analysing water as an economic, social and ecological source of conflict, my research will extend the investigation of new frictions in water imagery – in the dams, basin, canals, aquifers, pumps, pipes, fisheries, taps, sewage and drains in contemporary Asian hydrofiction.
Research Interests
Environmental Humanities
Gender Studies
Postcolonial Studies
South Asian Studies
Currently Working as
- Impact Research Coordinator at Warwick Enterprise
- Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant
Office Hour : Thurs 4PM-5PM (FAB : 6.06)
Email : ragesree.roy@warwick.ac.uk