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Dr Rochelle Sibley

Coordinator of the Writing Centre

Tel: Extension 50273

Email: Rochelle dot Sibley at warwick dot ac dot uk

Faculty of Arts Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL


Dr Rochelle Sibley is an Associate Professor and is the Coordinator of the Academic Writing Programme run by the Writing Centre. Rochelle is also one of the English department's PG Liaison Officers and contributes to the training and development of new PG tutors. Rochelle is on research leave for the 2024-25 academic year.


Undergraduate teaching: I co-devised and co-teach the English department's Academic Enrichment programme for all English undergraduate students, alongside Jen Baker and Ursula Clayton. I also develop and teach writing support workshops for the EN3E0 Dissertation module and hold one-to-one academic writing sessions for students.

In 2023-24 I will be teaching EN2k6/EN3K6 Yiddish Literature in Translation, EN121 Medieval and Early Modern Literature and the workshops for the EN3E0 Dissertation module. I will also be teaching on the Academic Enrichment Programme for single-honours first year students.

Postgraduate teaching: In 2023-24 I will be teaching my new module EN9D1 Yiddish Women in World Literature. I will also be teaching EN100 Research Methods with the Library team, to provide academic writing support for Masters students on literature MAs.

Office hours

I am on leave for the 2024-25 academic year.