Rashmi Varma
Email: Rashmi.Varma@warwick.ac.uk
Faculty of Arts Building 5.27
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
I have a BA degree in English (Honours) from Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi, India and a Master’s degree in English Literature from the University of Delhi. After teaching briefly at Jesus and Mary College at the University of Delhi, I moved to the United States to work on my Ph.D. in English and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I taught as an Assistant Professor of English and Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I joined Warwick in 2004.
Research interests
My areas of research include: the postcolonial city, postcolonial Indian and African theory, literature and culture, feminism in a global context, representations of indigeneity in postcolonial India, and the theory of world literature.
I welcome PhD applications in any of the areas listed above.
In 2011-2012, I won a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship to work on my book entitled Modern Tribal: Representing Indigeneity in Postcolonial India.
I am a member of the editorial collective of the journal Feminist Dissent
Other research projects include:
See also:
Teaching and supervision
I teach courses on postcolonial literatures and theory, especially from Africa and South Asia, world literature, feminist literary theory and transnational feminism at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. My modules include:
- EN251: New Literatures in English
- EN270: Transnational Feminism: Theory, Practice, Activism
- EN904: Problems and Modes in Postcolonial Literature
- EN913: Feminist Literary Theory
- EN938: Postcolonial Theory
I currently supervise the following doctoral students:
- Raad Khair Allah,
Threads of Resistance: Weaving a Radical Tradition in Arab Literary and Visual Feminism
- Tyler Scott Ball (Chancellor's International Scholar), An Ocean of Stories: Navigating the Wider Worlds of Indian Ocean Literature
- Malvika Nair (Chancellor's International Scholar)
- Ragesree Roy
- Archana Vinod (Chancellor's International Scholar)
Recent and major publications
Modern Tribal: Representing Indigeneity in Postcolonial India (forthcoming from Cambridge University Press)
Ends of the Global City: Disaffection, Displacement and the New Political Ecologies of the Urban Co-edited with Jini Kim Watson (Palgrave, 2024)
Edge Cities, a Dossier for Social Text special issue on Sociality at the End of the World Vol. 39, No. 4 (149), December 1, 2021; co-edited with Ashley Dawson
Secular States, Fundamentalist Politics. Special issue of Feminist Dissent Issue 5 co-edited with Yasmin Rehman, Gita Sahgal and Nira Yuval-Davis (Number 5, December 2020)
Marxism, Postcolonial Theory and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry, Co-edited with Sharae Deckard (New York and London: Routledge, 2018)
Marxism and Postcolonial Theory: What is Left of the Debate? Co-edited with Subir Sinha, Special symposium of the journal Critical Sociology vol. 43, Issue 4-5 (2017); pp. 545-558.
The Postcolonial City and its Subject: London, Nairobi, Bombay (Routledge, 2014; paperback)
The Postcolonial City and its Subjects: London, Nairobi, Bombay (Routledge, 2011; hardback)
(Reviewed in: Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2013; Modern Fiction Studies 59.1 Spring 2013; Postcolonial Studies vol. 16, no. 3, 331-335, 2013; Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies vol. 1, no. 2, 2013; Journal of Postcolonial Writing vol. 49, issue 2, 2013
Co-edited with Robyn Warhol, et. al. Women’s Worlds: the McGraw-Hill Anthology of Women’s Writing in English Across the Globe (2008)
“Everyday Feminism and the Pedagogy of Social Reproduction in Postcolonial India”, Roundtable Discussion: World-culture and social reproduction Feminist Theory Vol. 25, Issue 2, April 2024; pp. 242-259. Special Issue: Social Reproduction Feminism and World-Culture eds. Sharae Deckard and Kate Houlden
“Reading ‘the Signs of our Times’: Aijaz Ahmad on Literature and the World”, in Radical Philosophy 2.15, Autumn 2023, pp. 69-75.
Introduction, Ends of the Global City: Disaffection, Displacement and the New Political Ecologies of the Urban Co-edited with Jini Kim Watson (Palgrave, 2024)
“Riotous Nations: The Short Story of the Partition the Politics of Modernity” in Jumana Bayeh, Helen Groth and Julian Murphet, eds. Writing The Global Riot: Literature in a Time of Crisis (Oxford University Press, 2023); pp. 104-121.
“’The Whole Empire in Little’: London as the Capital of World Literature”, essay in Ato Quayson and Jini K Watson, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Global Cities (2023); pp. 83-97.
“Primitivism in the Peripheries: Reflections on Auritro Majumder’s Insurgent Imaginations: World Literature and the Periphery” in Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 9 (3), 2022; 417-423.
“Policing the Pandemic in London”, essay in Social Text special issue on Sociality at the End of the World Vol. 39, No. 4 (149), December 1, 2021
“Essaying Solidarity: ‘Kamraid’ Roy and the Politics of Representation”, essay in special issue on Anglophone Literature, its Critics and the Left, Modern Fiction Studies 67.2 (June 2021)
“Extracting Indigeneity: Revaluing the Work of World Literature in These Times”, In Francesco Giusti and Benjamin Lewis Robinson, eds. The Work of World Literature (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2021)
'Understanding the Conundrum: Secular States, Fundamentalist Politics', Feminist Dissent, 5 (2020), 3-18; with Yasmin Rehman, Gita Sahgal and Nira Yuval-Davis.
“The girls of Jamia”, poem by Amir Aziz, translated from the Urdu, Feminist Dissent, 5 (2020).
“Collectivity and Crisis in the Long Twentieth Century”, co-authored with Warwick Research Collective Modern Language Quarterly 81:4 (December 2020); pp. 465-489.
*"Anti-Imperialism", in Robin Goodman, ed. Bloomsbury Handbook of Twenty-First Century Feminist Theory (2018)
*“’Broken Histories’: the Tribal and the Modern in Arun Joshi’s The Strange Case of Billy Biswas”, in Sharae Deckard and Rashmi Varma, eds. Marxism, Postcolonial Theory and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry (Routledge, 2018)
*Co-authored with Sharae Deckard, “Against the Grain: An Introduction to Benita Parry’s Intellectual Itinerary” in Sharae Deckard and Rashmi Varma, eds. Marxism, Postcolonial Theory and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry (Routledge, 2018)
*"UnModifying India: Sexual Violence and the Politics of Hindutva in Contemporary India", Feminist Dissent, issue 2 Special issue edited by Nira Yuval-Davis and Nadje Al-Ali (April 2017)
*Co-authored with Sukhwant Dhaliwal and Chitra Nagarajan, "Why Feminist Dissent?" in Feminist Dissent, issue 1 (July 2016)
*Co-authored with Subir Sinha, "Marxism and Postcolonial Theory: What is Left of the Debate?" Introduction to a special issue of Critical Sociology (December 2015)
*"Prior to Erasure: Looking for Adivasis in Photographs", essay in Arundhati Boutier-Virmani, ed. The Aesthetics of Power and Protest (Routledge, 2015)
*"The Gleam and the Darkness: Representations of the Postcolonial City", in Ato Quayson, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Postcolonial Novel (2015)
*"Beyond the Politics of Representation: the Indigenous Subject of New Subaltern Politics", in Alf Gunvald Nilsen and Srila Roy, eds. Reconceptualising Subaltern Politics (Oxford University Press, 2014)
*“Telling Lives: Secularism in the Time of Late Nationalism”, essay in Sukhwant Dhaliwal and Nira Yuval-Davis, eds. Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity (Lawrence and Wishart, 2014)
*“Primitive Accumulation: the Political Economy of Indigenous Art in Postcolonial India”, Third Text 125 (2013)
- BA; MA (Delhi)
- PhD (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Office hours
(In-person and via Teams)
On Research Leave (Terms 1, 2 and 3)
Email: Rashmi.Varma@warwick.ac.uk for appointments at other times
Undergraduate modules
EN251 New Literatures in English
EN270 Transnational Feminism
Postgraduate modules
EN904 Problems and Modes in Postcolonial Literature
EN913 Feminist Literary Theory
EN938 Postcolonial Theory