MA English Literature: Seventeenth-Century Literature and Culture
This pathway prepares students for research into seventeenth century literature by providing an introduction to the issues which dominate current research, including performance studies, feminist and psychoanalytic approaches, cultural history, and textual criticism.
Structure of the Degree
There are three options open to students who choose to take this pathway:
1) Foundation module, plus at least two modules from the Optional Core Modules listed below, and up to two modules from a range offered by the Department.
2) Foundation module, plus two modules from the Optional Core Modules listed below, and a Dissertation on an approved topic in the field.
3) Foundation module, plus at least two modules from the Optional Core Modules listed below, plus up to one modules from a range offered by the Department, and a Dissertation on an approved topic in the field
Seventeenth-Century Literture and Culture: Optional Core Modules
Rhetoric and Renaissance Literature
Shakespeare and his Sister: men and women writing 1580-1700
Other Options (indicative)
Condition of England: Perceptions in Victorian Literature
Women, Writing & British Culture, 1600-2000
Literature of American South-West
Problems and Modes in Postcolonial Literature
Psychoanalysis & Cultural Production
Rivalries and Couplings in Romantic Literature
Sexual Geographies: Gender and Place in British Fiction, 1840-1940
Travel, Literature, Anglo-empires
For a list of all the modules that the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies offers, click here.