Foundation Module: Introduction to Research Methods
Convenors: dr rochelle sibley (Department of English & Comparative Literary Studies) and Mr. Peter Larkin (University Library)
All students must take Introduction to Research Methods to satisfy the requirements of the Foundation Module.
This module is compulsory for all MA students, and for all first-year PhD students who have not previously completed an MA at Warwick.
The award of an MA is contingent upon successful completion of the assessment for this course.
PhD students must attend, but the assessment is optional in their case.
This modules runs from week 1 to week 8 of the Autumn Term. All sessions are on Wednesday afternoons from 1.00-3.00. A supplementary sheet giving precise details and locations of sessions will be provided at the beginning of term.
This module introduces the basic issues and procedures of literary research, including electronic research. Sessions are conducted by English Department staff members and by the subject librarian, Mr Peter Larkin (in EN003 student computer cluster in basement of Library weeks 3 and 4)
Sessions in weeks 2, 5, 7,7 and 8 will be held in Room H1.48
Week 2: Bibliography, Style and the Book [Prof. Jackie Labbe]
Week 3: Resources in Research (i) [Mr Peter Larkin] Practice sessions and exercises on resources in research based upon the Library’s web-based teaching course.
Week 4: Resources in Research (ii) [Mr Peter Larkin] Further practice sessions and exercises.
Week 5: The Text and Textual Editing [Ms. Alice Eardley]
Week 6: no meeting
Week 7: Editing and Other Aspects of Authorship [Professor Jeremy Treglown]
Week 8: Victorian Periodicals [Dr Emma Francis]
Students will be required to complete a short two-part exercise. Part I will consist of a bibliographical exercise, and part II of the results of a number of advanced electronic search exercises. The paper must be submitted in duplicate to the English Graduate Secretary by the beginning of week 6.