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Our Workload Model is developed based on the University updated workload model. It aims to ensure relative parity between colleagues.

Details of the University Workload Model can be found here.

Workload Allocation.

Academic colleagues should not be allocated over their 1591 hours except in exceptional circumstances. If someone is over their allocated hours they should review their allocation wit the Head Of Department & Academic Administrator and agree which elements could be cut back. If you ask a colleague/are asked by a colleague to assist with teaching or other departmental activities please check with the Academic Administrator so that this can be taken account in the workload allocation process. This will also help to ensure colleague are not overworked.

Year-on-Year Carry Over.

With prior agreement of the Head of Department and if an academic colleague exceeds their workload by more than 5% of their hours, it may be possible to 'carry over' the excess credit. This must be taken in the next year except in exceptional circumstances.

Late Changes to Workloads.

It is not possible to anticipate everything that will arise during the year. There are unexpected illnesses, resignations, grant buyouts and secondments. Many of these come with little or no notice. Members of the management team try to spread this work as evenly as possible, with the expectation that senior and experienced colleagues will 'step up' more often than others. But we also need to ask those best suited to the work to do it. The basic principle is that this work should be spread equitably across the department.

Review of Academic Workloads

if an academic colleague feels that they are subject to an undue workload burden, it is essential that they raise this issue. These requests for review are a standard part of the process and no negative inferences will be drawn form them. it is important that you raise any concerns immediately with the Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department (Staff Development), Deputy Head of Department (Teaching & Learning) or the Head of Administration.. These colleagues will be able to feel the colleagues concerns into the process either explicitly or anonymously.