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English & Comparative Literary Studies News

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Dr David Taylor talks about political satire past and present

Dr David Taylor is talking at the Warwick Words History Festival on Saturday 29th October at the Friends Meeting House, Warwick, at 5.00pm (£5). David's work focuses on British literature and culture of the eighteenth century and is especially concerned with the relationship between literature, visual culture, and parliamentary politics. He writes, "Political cartoonists have been quoting and parodying Shakespeare’s works since the mid-eighteenth century. Looking across three centuries of these images, which refer to plays such as Macbeth and The Tempest again and again, I will explore just how profoundly Shakespeare’s narratives and characters shape the way we see and understand the political world."

He has recently been interviewed about political satire past and present on the Moncrieff Show on Ireland's Newstalk radio station. The link to the interview is here: His interview is about half way through this audio recording (use the grey bar at the top to navigate).


Fri 14 Oct 2016, 13:11 | Tags: Staff, Shakespeare, Public Event

Shakespeare Race and Performance: The Diverse Bard

Congratulations to Dr Jami Rogers (Research Assistant, Multicultural Shakespeare, and Act for Change Committee) and Sita Thomas (PhD student) on their essays in Shakespeare Race and Performance: The Diverse Bard, published this week by Routledge. The collection is edited by Dr Delia Jarrett-Macauley, formerly a postdoctoral fellow with the Multicultural Shakespeare Project (2013-15).

Mon 01 Aug 2016, 14:33 | Tags: Publication, Staff, Shakespeare, Postgraduate

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